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I separated myself from the Magician and looked for Leorio and Kurapika amidst the crowd.

"Hey, Mr. Satotz, is this where the Second Phase will begin?"

I followed the voice that belonged to Kurapika and there they are, at the exit of the tunnel.

"Woah, Leorio..." I scanned him.

He took off his suit and shirt, and it seems that he has forgotten about his business case because I don't see it anywhere near him.

"He barely made it, hahaha!" Kurapika teased. I also noticed that he removed his blue clothing from earlier.

"Attention, applicants. This isn't the place where the Second Phase will commence, we have quite a way to go..." Satotz spoke once again.

We listened as we observed the place. We are in a forest, and the thick fog wasn't helping us to get a clearer view of our surroundings.

"The Milsy Wetlands, also known as Swindler's swamp. We must cross it to reach Phase Two of the Exam. This place is home to a variety of truly bizarre animals, many of which are crafty, horrifying creatures, who deceive and feast on human prey. So please, be careful. If you got deceived, your death is hundred percent guaranteed." Mr. Satotz informed us.

A game of deceiving, hmm?

The galvanized iron door behind us started to creak as it closes, leaving a man behind.

"W-wait! Wait for me!" His screams became muffled when the gate reached the ground.

"You must not underestimate these wetland creatures you're about to encounter, for they will use every trick in the book to fool their prey. They hunt by the art of deception, and that's why it's known as Swindler's Swamp.."

Murmurs from the crowd started to grow louder again. Some felt nervous, some felt excited and strong, thinking they wouldn't get fooled.

"Now then, please follow me closely so you won't get deceived," he turned his back and started to walk when he noticed that majority of the applicants hesitated to follow him.

"Ha! Is he nuts? If we know they'll try to deceive us, then who's gonna fall for it??"

I clicked my tongue as I smacked Leorio.

"This is the nth time you're not using your brain. Just one blink and you might get deceived already, our predators won't tell us when they'll attack. You can't bring your guards down," I said, flicking his head. He immediately rubbed it gently with his palm and grunted.

"DON'T FALL FOR THAT!" Someone yelled.

"Don't let them fool you!"

A phase where we shouldn't let our predator deceive us...

I looked at Satotz who was confidently standing ahead, before looking back to the man who suddenly appeared, saying he's our original Examiner.

"..for they will use every trick in the book to fool their preys."

His voice echoed in my head and that made my stand in the current situation grow stronger.

Appearing out of nowhere, with messy clothes and looked unprofessional. A man who bluntly pointed fingers, saying he's the 'real' one...

"Huh? What's going on?"

"Can someone explain what's happening?"

"Who's the real one?"

"Who's lying here?!"

Ahh, how stupid.

"I'll prove it to you, look at this!"

Dazed In A Maze | Hisoka x OCWhere stories live. Discover now