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I chose to go back on track before running towards where the other applicants are when I bumped into Killua along the way.

"Eh? Kill?" I called, confused.

"Yeah? Oh, we separated ways. Gon said he wanted to check if his friends are okay." He answered. I responded with a nod and ran beside him.

"Look, there they are!"

After a couple of minutes, Satotz and the other applicants that made it came to our vision.

"You smell bad, Hageshi. What happened to you? Eh.." I rolled my eyes. "There's this gigantic fucking frog and it swallowed me." I scoffed, pissed at the memory of being inside that frog's stomach.

"Haha! Oh, it came to your direction?!"

"What do you mean it came to my direction, Killua?"

"We stepped on something then before we could even make a move after realizing it, we fell directly straight into its stomach! That was hilarious!" He laughed.

I didn't notice I was staring too much.

"They want you to bring me back home, right?" I already expected him to ask this question but it still caught me off guard.

Killua's laughs.. His smiles, they are all familiar. He looked.. happy.

Like he wasn't carrying any burden at all.

"Yes." There's no point in lying, he knows. "...and you know I'm not going back. As much as I wanted to come with you, I-I just can't.." I looked at his eyes, and all that I could see was pure gentleness and sincerity.

"Look after Alluka for me, okay?"

"Aww, dang it."

"One day, I'll make you my friend without hurting you..."

".. it's not like I still not see you as a friend now, Hageshi-san.."

"You're the best sister I've ever had, and you're special to me.."

Killua stood still in front of me.

"Y-you're not.. okay." With fear in his eyes, he didn't waste a second. He let go of his skateboard and came rushing to my way, hugging me so tight that it almost made us stumble on the ground. "I shouldn't have done that!" Again, this familiar pain in my chest started to creep in.

Now I know who asked me to look after Alluka.


"I-I know about your situation, I know that me, myself triggers a memory and... but.. but I couldn't do it! I can't stay away from you! I'm so selfish!" He was about to cry and I don't know what to do. We are not that close to where the other players are but we are not that far also. "Knowing that.. s-seeing me alone might already cause you trouble, I still... can't.." He was on the verge of breaking down but I couldn't think of anything!

This is new to me.


"Killua!! Hageshi-san!! Where are yo-oh! There you are!" I turned to see Gon who's waving his hand up high enough for us to see. I waved back.

"I want to be friends with Gon, Hageshi. That's why I don't want to go home yet.." He whispered.

"He's coming, Killua.." I said softly.

My heart hurts.

I sighed.

"Go on, Kill.. Take your time, I won't rush. I'm not going home without you, but, take your time... I'll wait until you're ready." He shook his head and looked me in the eyes.

Dazed In A Maze | Hisoka x OCWhere stories live. Discover now