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I was distracted by a minimal movement which caused me to wake up.

"Oh, you're up? Sorry," Hisoka muttered in a low tone.

"What on earth are you doing?" I mumbled.

"You were about to fall so I had to readjust you in my arms,"


"Go on, close your eyes and sleep again," he says.


I closed my eyes once again but what I saw next, the moment I closed my eyes almost drained all of my life energy, causing me to jolt up in pain from my head.


When I opened my eyes, I couldn't remember everything that I saw. What I can recollect was seeing a man around our age with a cross-shaped tattoo on his forehead and he's wearing a pair of orb-shaped earrings. His sudden appearance was so familiar but I couldn't tell if I had already met him somewhere else or what.


"I just saw something," I uttered under my unstable breath.

"What is it? One of your memories?"

"I don't know if it was a memory, but his presence felt so real and familiar as if I already met him," I admitted.


"Yeah, it was a guy,"

"Describe him, Gum,"

"I can't recall the rest," I told the magician.

"Was it because of Illumi's pins?" I nodded at his question. "Then don't force it," Hisoka says.


"You hungry?"

"Not yet, but maybe a snack or what will do," I answered him.

"Let's watch a movie," Hisoka proposed.

"Okay, but you gotta promise me that we'll start working on those envelopes that Illumi has appointed me to hand over to you," I warned him.

"We will see about that~"


"I'll order pizza, what flavor do you want?" he asks.

"Hmm, your choice," I replied.


I stood up to turn his flat-screen TV on.

I searched for an anime to watch and when I saw my favorite ones, I played it right away.

Upon hearing the familiar opening of the Death Note, I relaxed and went back to Hisoka's bed to lay down on my stomach and chill. I pulled over the comforter to cover my body and hugged a plushie that I didn't know was there.

"Hisoka...seriously? A plushie?" I chuckled as I raised the colorful and gigantic Kirby plush which has the text 'Hug Me' written right below its face.

"What? It's cute so I had to buy it for us,"

"Hahahaha," I laughed.

"That's sweet. What should we name her?" I asked him.

"You name plushies?"

"I just thought that it would be better if we name her," I answered the magician.

"What about Niji?" I thought out loud.


"Yeah, I mean... That's the first thing that came up to my mind,"

Dazed In A Maze | Hisoka x OCWhere stories live. Discover now