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heads up: ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^) heheheh.


"Stop hoarding clothes for me!"

I tried to snatch the clothes away from Hisoka's hands but he won't let go.

"I can call Illumi right now to send our butlers for my wardrobe! You don't have to buy me things as much as these!" I scolded him.

"You can call him but I'm not changing my mind like how you didn't change your mind on calling me Mr. Moron, Gum~" Hisoka wiggled his eyebrows and dropped more clothes in one of our shopping carts.

'Yes! He's pushing two small carts and I am pushing a big cart!'

Ever since I've called him Mr. Moron a couple of times, he just wouldn't listen to anything I say!


People were looking at us as if we're something cute to look at, but in reality, I am itching to kill Hisoka on the spot to make him stop.

"You shop like a girl!" I remarked.

"Then that makes you the man?"


"Hahaha... Oh, Gum~"

I palmed my forehead.

Here we go again with his moaning routine.

I sighed, completely giving up on convincing him to stop buying clothes for me as if I'm going to run out of them by tomorrow.

"Just let me. You can decide later if you want to wear them or not," he says.

When we were buying some groceries and necessities, it was fast. It was more like less than 10 minutes and we were already done.

But then... this?

'He's taking much longer in hoarding clothes... not for him, but for me?!'



"Let's go homeee," I tried to look exhausted but he just glanced at me and let out an impressed chuckle.


After roaming around for another hour, he finally 'considered' going back to the Arena. We already had a quick breakfast after he finished shopping 'for me' so I am now sleepy.

As we were on the elevator, the magician was typing something on his phone while carrying bags with his other arm. Between his legs, there's also a shopping bag that rests.

When we heard the ding, he let me go first before he stepped out to lead the way so he could open the door.

"I already contacted someone to transfer your stuff from your suite into mine," Hisoka says.


"You're sleepy?" He asks as he opened the door wide open with his back, motioning me to come in first.

I didn't protest and came inside in an instant because my eyes just wanted to shut. I placed the shopping bags near his mini table and threw myself on his bed.

"Wait, what? What do you mean by moving my stuff here?" I asked, still facing his bed as I pulled a pillow for me to squeeze in between my arms.

"Your butlers were here just now,"


"I told them to go,"

"Wait, what's happening?" I asked.

Dazed In A Maze | Hisoka x OCWhere stories live. Discover now