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Surprisingly, he didn't bother me after making a scene.

'I am his standard, eh?'

I asked myself in my mind.

While waiting for the Examiner, I spent my time observing other players that might get in my way.

Like #294, he looked like a Ninja to me. I'll know once the Exam starts. Earlier, I saw him talking with the other two or three players before talking to Tonpa. As I'm expecting, fatman tried to offer him a drink but the Ninja declined.

Next is #301, his rattling noise is so damn annoying. And what the hell is that look?!

It's causing pain in my eyes.

#103 caught my attention with his snakes, but that's it.

Many more players got me interested in them but there's this magician and Killua. We'll probably run and run into each other as long as the Exam goes, and I'm not planning to avoid them. I'll go with the flow since Kill himself will be the biggest hindrance in my mission, knowing he won't return home immediately.


My thoughts were interrupted when we all heard a loud, ringing sound that filled the tunnel. After that, the wall ahead of us rumbled and lifted itself, revealing a man with pale lavender hair perfectly parted in the middle. He's tall and blessed with long legs and arms, carrying a green weird-looking creature in his hands.

"I'm Satotz. My apologies for the delay, thank you for waiting. The entry period for Hunter applicants is officially closed. So, without further ado, the first phase of the Hunter Exam will now begin!" he announced.

That was my signal to stand up properly from leaning against the wall.

"If you're short on luck and ability, keep in mind that there's a higher chance of you, ending up seriously injured. Death is another distinct possibility. If you're willing to accept the risks involved, I'll ask you to follow me now." he said.

I crossed my arms in front of my chest as I yawn.

Does this man ever stop talking?

"If you don't like the idea of getting killed along the process of becoming a Hunter, kindly exit through the elevator behind you." he added once again.

I didn't bother to look back to see if someone already backed out.

After waiting for a few seconds, Satotz spoke again. "Very well, then. All applicants will now participate in Phase One."

He turned his back and started walking weirdly. With his long legs, his steps are bigger than the rest of us.

I sighed before slipping my hands into my pockets, taking my time to follow him. I'm not aiming to be on the lead, he just told us to follow him and I'm doing what I'm told. He didn't say that we must run and match his pace, though. If this is going to be an endurance test through a long run, I'll be just fine.

I remember the Zoldycks making me run around the entire Kukoroo Mountain for more than 10 laps, so this will be nothing for me.

"Damn, of course, no one would turn around and quit already. But I'd hoped a few would duck out at least,"

I heard a man beside me say. #403, he's wearing a suit and brings a case with him, more like a businessman. Beside him was #405, a kid Killua's age with a fishing rod, and #404, a yellow-haired boy. I can say he's years older than #405.

"If they wanted to quit, they shouldn't be dumb enough to appear here. Of course, they know the risks," I bluntly replied.

The kid with a fishing rod stopped for a while to inspect me before moving again. His eyes were shining so bright, full of spirit and hope. "Wow, you look amazing! I'm Gon, Gon Freecss. What's your name?" He asked excitedly.

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