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"Go and get yourself treated," I told the magician.

"I'll stay and watch how you secure your victory~"

"I already won before my match could even commence,"

"I know that very well, Gum~ But I still want to watch," he insisted.

"Fine, whatever. Suit yourself,"

"Do you mind ending it quickly?" Hisoka asked with a grin as he raised his severed arm in front of me like he's saying that I have to hurry and finish my match quickly so he could get his arm treated.

"Depends if I want to play with a toy," I said as I stretched out my arms.

"Now, moving on to the next awaited match, everyone! With Hageshi, a very powerful woman who literally steals her opponent's hearts... versus Gido, who currently holds a record of five wins and one loss... Will Gido be able to keep his winning streak with Hageshi as his opponent? Or will he find a way to turn the tables against the fierce Zoldyck?"

I heard over the PA.

"I guess I should go now,"

Before I could completely turn my back against the magician, he loudly said, "Make me proud, love~"


The crowd went crazy which made my smirk go wider as I grinned deviously at Hisoka.

"Oh, you will be,"


"I wonder how will that Zoldyck perform this time,"

"Damn, they would make an unstoppable couple,"

"They're already dating, aren't they?! Look at those matching tats that they have! And the matching make-up!"

I scoffed and started walking towards the ring when I heard our names being introduced once again.

As my eyes bore into my opponent, I took that time to observe his appearance and try to evaluate his skills and strength.

He wears this red robe and a hat from his head down to his torso. He is also wearing a mask that I think is a breathing mask and supports himself with a wooden cane.

As per his strength, I don't sense any danger or any strong aura that comes out of him.

"Hm," I sighed and whistled as I slid my hands back into the pockets of my leather shorts.

...looks like this is going to end quickly as Hisoka requested.

"...and, begin!"

Gido let a spinning top come out of his red robe as he made it spin around his wooden cane. He covered it with his hand and the moment he moved his hands, the number of his spinning tops increased.

"There they are! Gido's Dancing Tops! He uses dangerous spinning tops to attack and crush his opponent into submission! How will Hageshi deal with this?!"

I raised both of my eyebrows and waited for my opponent's next move.

'Is he a Manipulator?'

Still, I sense no danger from him.

"Battle Waltz!" he shouted.

The next thing I knew, the tops that were earlier resting atop of his wooden cane has gone to surround me. They were crashing against each spinning tops, and I am sure that even if they're all small in size, they might be able to cause me trouble.

Dazed In A Maze | Hisoka x OCWhere stories live. Discover now