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A/N: You'll know when to play the song linked above, trust me. ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)

Hint? Puppet Strings.


I think a day or two have already passed.

I slid my hands into my pockets as I whistled. I've been exploring the island and haven't stumble upon anyone along the way, Zevil Island is just way too big for me to meet someone on the same path that I've taken.

Perhaps, the other applicants must have started their voyage already, and to keep the badge for seven days, they probably have their places to hide.

"Maybe I should go and start finding my boys," I whispered.

I came back to the shore and checked all the footprints that were left behind. There were a lot of them but Hisoka wears something pointy on the edge so I didn't have any trouble trailing him.

On my way, I heard a slight noise coming from the branches of the trees around me and there I saw someone.

"Eh? Oi, Gon!"

He was sitting on the massive branch upside down!

What a weird way of sitting.

"Oh? Hageshi-san..." He jumped off and landed right in front of me. "Did you get your target's badge already?" He asks and I shook my head as a response.

"I started off by exploring the Island, and now, I've decided to find and track my boys," I added.

"Your boys? You mean, Hisoka and the guy with pins all over him?" I nodded.

"Oh, I remembered. Your target is Hisoka, right? How are you going to steal his badge?" I asked as I leaned against the tree that was behind me.

"I don't know yet, but I'll come up with a plan sooner or later. For now, I just have to practice something." He answered with a serious look on his face.

"Well, then. I'll get going. See you when I see you!" The kid smiled at me and I returned it with a small grin.

"Aye, Gon, I forgot something!" He was climbing up to the same branch where he was and stopped midway when I called him.

"We agreed not to take our badges off!" I shouted. If there's anyone around us, it's okay if they heard us. Though they'll end up dead if they have decided to come after us.

"Thank you, Hageshi!" I waved goodbye to the kid as I turned my back to continue my search for the two psychos I am with.

Based on my observation and a little analysis of his personality, I didn't bother to ask him if he wants to go with me. Aside from he's not ready to face him yet, he would feel humiliated and empty deep inside the moment he realizes he didn't work hard for something important like this.

And I have this feeling that he doesn't need my help at all.

He's a great kid and he has this power to melt the hearts of people who surrounds him.

No wonder why Killua wants to keep him.

Well, if it's Kill who had chosen him, Gon must really be something else. Besides...I trust Killua's judgment.

"I coated the arrow with a fast-acting tranquilizer. So you're not going to be able to walk that much for a week," I then heard a thud somewhere else near me. My eyes immediately searched for the source of the sound and there I saw #53 who already had his prey down.

"Arrows?" I asked myself and scanned the hunter's weapon and that's when the realization hit me. "Oh, must be something similar to my darts," I whispered before shrugging them off as I resumed walking.

Dazed In A Maze | Hisoka x OCWhere stories live. Discover now