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I parked the car in front of the address I got from Hisoka when we were searching for my father's whereabouts. It wasn't that hard to find, and it's not that far from us either.

He wasn't hiding anyway, so it's easy for us to track him down.

"Welcome home, Miss Hageshi. I'll tell your father that you're here," One of the butlers greeted when I stood before them.

"Don't bother. I'll go and let him know myself," I replied right away without taking my eyes off at the huge mansion in front of me. It was one of those classical mansions that have a mix of contemporary interiors... I can see it from the glass windows behind these gates.

"This way, Ma'am,"

I followed the butler's instructions as he showed me which way to take to reach Zabala's main room. I ordered them not to escort me already, so they obeyed, saying they got orders from my father to only follow his and my words.


I scoffed in amusement.

We took a few more turns before we finally stopped in front of a door with a modern design that has a lot of ancient outlines on top of it that forms the word Spadille.

Feeling stunned, I froze in my tracks for a moment and thought of rethinking my decision to come all the way here just to invite him for the twin's birthday.

You should've just sent him a damn invitation. You didn't have to come here yourself!

My thoughts nagged, but I shook my head to brush all those voices inside my mind.

I came here to settle things I should've settled a long time ago.

I reminded myself.

The butler already left so I have all the time to rethink all my decisions, but I made up my mind not to chicken out.

"Okay, Hageshi. This is now or never. This should be a piece of cake, you dumbass," I softly murmured to myself.

I fixed my posture and made sure I had a blank expression plastered on my face. After inhaling a deep breath, I knocked three times before twisting the doorknob open...

...only to see no one inside.

My instincts immediately told me to move and my body obeyed the sudden urge of raising my guards before I could even think.

I slid two cards under my sleeves and aimlessly threw them behind.

"That's not how you say hello to your father, Saara,"

I glared from the corner of my eyes.

"You almost got me there... but relax, I'm not planning on messing with you," a sheepish voice snickered from behind me.

"You still think I'd want to kill my precious daughter? I already learned my lesson. Your brother, Illumi, was an amazing lecturer," Zabala chuckled.

"Silva was also there,"

Dazed In A Maze | Hisoka x OCWhere stories live. Discover now