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Daylight came and my consciousness woke up when I felt a sudden movement from the bed. But my eyes remained closed as I pulled a pillow that seemed to be alive because it moved to hug me tighter.


I immediately opened my eyes, only to see Illumi who was caressing my hair and my back. I was hugging him by his chest and he was holding me in his arms.

"Illumi," I rubbed my eyes.

'So that wasn't a dream?'

I asked in my mind.

"Calm down, I didn't erase your memories," Illumi whispered.

Doubting his words, I attempted to recall what happened last night and when I successfully remembered them without having trouble, I let out a relieved sigh.

'I'm glad he didn't make me forget those,'

I smiled as I pulled myself closer to him.

"How close do you want us to be?" He chuckled.

"Tch, shut up," I retorted. "What time is it?" I mumbled in his chest.

"Past noon,"

"Hmm, I'm still sleepy though..." I uttered. "Why didn't you go and do your job? I thought you've got something to do today?" I asked.

"I was afraid that you'd be gone by the time I return," he whispered as he touched my head, and later on, a scenario played in my mind.


"Come on, Illu! What's your problem? I'll put a space between us if that's what's bothering you." A mocking sigh escaped from me. But just like what I said, I placed lots of pillows between us when we lay down.

"I don't have a problem sleeping beside you, Hageshi. Tch, remove these unnecessary pillows, it pisses me off." A loud laugh came out of my mouth. I looked at him to check if he was really pissed, and he really looked like he was ready to murder the pillows! Bringing myself up, I removed them and placed some beside me. I like the feeling of being surrounded by pillows, it makes me feel secure even in the darkness.

"You're very out of character today." He mocked as he pulled me aggressively, causing me to fall on top of him. "And you are to blame for causing me that, biggy Lum. Plus, I wasn't the only one... We both went way too far out of our characters, silly." I pinched his forehead before removing myself on top of him to lay down beside him, facing down as I lifted my left leg to place it above the pillows. After finding my comfortable position to sleep, I slid my hands under the pillows I'm laying on.

I left a little space between us, knowing that I might move a lot in my sleep but didn't bother to warn him.

"Face me." I heard him say. I let out a smirk from my face, he couldn't see me though, I'm facing the opposite side. "Don't make me repeat myself, Hageshi. Face me now," I clicked my tongue before doing the same position as I turned to face him.

"There, you happy? Now, let me sleep and stop talking." I said before closing my eyes. He tapped my head and pulled me closer but I didn't protest.

I'm too sleepy to bother arguing with him.

"You made me feel a lot that I didn't experience before, Shi... Thank you."


"What...was that?" I asked myself silently.

"The next morning after that night, I woke up and didn't see you by my side," Illumi answered even if I was conversing with myself.

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