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I won't do any long cringe(?) messages anymore, I'll just show my appreciation to all of you along with the story.

٩(ര̀ᴗര́)ᵇʸᵉ ᵇʸᵉ

Thank you so much for loving Hageshi Zoldyck!💛


"Hey, who's going to deal with your severed arm?" I suddenly asked when we entered our suite.

"I'm pretty sure you know her~" he trailed off.


"She should arrive any second by now," he says as he comfortably took the seat near his table.


I took my shirt off and changed it with Hisoka's shirt.

"Is she good?" I asked as I put his shirt on.

"You'll see. Be the judge once she arrives?"

"Okay~" I mocked his playful tone and sat against the edge of the table where I can face him.

I saw the screen of Hisoka's phone light up as he picked it up to read whatever was on the screen, then asked me to open the door.

I grunted and twisted the doorknob open, only to be greeted by a pink-haired woman.

Huh? I think I have seen her before...

Ah, I remember!

She's one of the Spiders.

"Machi," I nodded lightly, motioning her to come in.


She knows me?

My brows shot up at the mention of my name but then, I turned to look at Hisoka who was smirking at us.

'Oh, right. It must be because of that clown...'

I thought.

I closed the door for Machi when she entered the room and stood in front of Hisoka, beside the table.

I walked near them and sat on the other chair as I watch them converse with each other.

"Why did you put yourself in so much danger? You're an idiot," she sneered while looking at Hisoka's severed arms.

"Well, you're paying me so I guess I can't complain," Machi added as she let out a sigh.

Then, she started to grab Hisoka's arms using her needle threads.

"Oi! Be gentle, if you don't mind?" Hisoka asked.

"Whatever. I'll start with your left arm. Turn off your aura now,"

That's her ability? It's something that has something to do with needles and threads.

"Starting Nen Stitches,"

It was satisfying to watch, and I can say she's got my attention even if all she did was sew Hisoka's severed arm back into place.

Machi initiated to discuss the match between the magician and Kastro, as she began to explain all the tricks that Hisoka used.

I was just sitting there while my eyes bore into them, exchanging looks as they conversed.

"I'm leaving now,"

Machi said as she picked her things back up again and headed for the door.

But just when she's about to make her way out, she turned and stared at me for a couple of seconds... then she turned to inform Hisoka that the Spiders are to meet in York New City by noon, on the 30th day of August.

Dazed In A Maze | Hisoka x OCWhere stories live. Discover now