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"You're a Specialist~"

On our way back to the park of Visca Forest where the Second Phase was supposed to be held, I let Hisoka do all the talking.

"The first time I laid my eyes on you, I knew that you're a strong woman. Adding it up with my personality test to help me determine which category does a person's Nen belongs to and having a little play game with you, that confirmed that you're indeed a Specialist~" He continued blabbering as I listened, sliding back my hands inside my pockets.

"Your Zetsu is clean, by the way~"

"What else do you have to say?" I asked, starting to enjoy his company.

"Mostly, Specialists only possess one Nen ability... But you have plenty, don't you?" He placed his arm around me as he pulled me closer to him. "Come here, Gum. As if you wouldn't be able to defend yourself if ever I thought of killing you right now..." I clicked my tongue before turning my gaze to him.

"Yes, I do have plenty of them," I answered.

"Ahh, that will make things more exciting... I guess I'll save the best for last." He smirked.


"You must know now that you will soon die in my arms, Gum~" teased Hisoka.

"I don't have plans on killing you but okay, I want to see you try." I searched for Hisoka's card in my pocket, thinking I should start trying to learn how to conjure a card, little by little...and when I found it, I made it spin at the tip of my finger.

"That's why I'll bring the best out of you~"

He's at it again, his iconic sing-song tone.

I should just get used to it.

"To kill each other in the future."
Hmm, okay. That shouldn't be a problem.

"I like how we understand each other, Gum~" He sighed, feeling relieved. "But I still don't get why you have to borrow my ordinary playing cards when yours are already amazing as it is." His sing-song tone was gone and that made me turn to check on him, only to see his furrowed eyebrows as if what he said was the worst problem he could've ever encountered.

That sight of him made me laugh.

"I'm trying to figure out how to conjure cards. I can't make one like mine since they were made extraordinarily, so I thought it would be best if I start with an ordinary one." I explained sincerely.

"Wise choice," His compliment caused me to chuckle. "Do you want me to assist you?" I immediately shook my head.

"I may have agreed that you'll make me stronger but still, I don't want to depend on someone when I know I can do it myself, Hisoka."

After making myself clear, he pinched my cheeks and chuckled.

"I'm already proud." A feint of a genuine smile appeared on his lips.

In shock, my body froze.

He... smiled?


"Oi, come on!" He pulled my wrist as we ran.

"Don't worry, love. You'll get to see more of it until you memorize every bit of my face, and I still won't stop doing it..." He murmured something but I couldn't hear it.

I was about to ask him about it but I already heard Menchi's voice from here.

Hmm, next time, then.

"So, none of you passed! Exam's over!"


"O-oi.." I started.

Dazed In A Maze | Hisoka x OCWhere stories live. Discover now