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Another long chapter, gomen.




[Chrollo's POV]

Right from the start, I knew that Zabala faked his death when Ara's mom, Sakura, was assassinated... so Milluki wouldn't hunt him down and also have him killed.

That's why the money he earned as an entertainer was used to build a foundation for the foster home that he bought, so Ara would have a place to stay while Zabala ran away. He entrusted his dearest friend, Dee, to look after Ara and the foster home...

Angel's Palace

...but I didn't know it would turn out this way.

Had I suspected and known his hidden motive upon retrieving her very own daughter, I would've dragged Ara with me to run away from him so he wouldn't be able to use Ara for his evil deeds... to take over the world.

"The true strength of Spadille was so powerful that even her, a Specialist, couldn't handle its power. Though I don't think we can call her lucky in her situation... she's still considered as someone fortunate to run out of aura even before unleashing the true power of the ability, that's why you were able to save her. Had you failed in saving her in time, and she fully gave herself to the devious power, it would've cost her and the babies' lives..." the doctor said.


"Oh, right. She has twins... though we're still unable to identify the genders of the twins," he added.


I looked at Ara who was lying on the hospital bed with lots of I-don't-know-what-to-call connected and attached to her body.

"Thank you," I mumbled and smiled at the doctor.

I returned to the seat beside Ara's bed and sat there as I held her hand tightly, afraid that she might not breathe if I let go. I even had to check her monitor to make sure she's not getting a flat line.

I kissed her hand and brought it near to my heart, as I moved closer to rest my forehead in hers... like I'm letting my soul speak to her even if I know it's impossible.


Calling you Hageshi all this time makes me feel uneasy, but I don't want to hurt you even if calling you 'Ara' doesn't trigger your memories.

I... just don't want to risk having you hurt because of me and my selfish desires to call you mine... but things are different now, isn't it? How I wish that you do belong to me.

'I shouldn't have let you go. Damn it,'

I tightened my grip on her hand and brought it closer to my heart.

Feel my heartbeat, princess. It's racing, right? Only you can calm it, Ara...


"Chrollo! Chrollo!" a soft voice called.

I'm outside, watching the sky while laying down on the grass.


"Aww... Saying your name is a mouthful. Can I call you Ruru instead? It sounds the same! Calling you Roro would be off, so I came up with Ruru!" she cheerfully said.

She's Saara Yunji, the daughter of my master, Zabala Yunji.

We've been promised to be together and get married when we reach the right age, but I bet Saara doesn't have any ideas with regards to that.

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