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"Tell the others to gather up here for a while, the Chairman wants to announce something."

What was his name again?

Was it Beans?

"My, my. Can't we just go?~" Hisoka sighed.

"We can't, Hisoka. Stop being impatient." I muttered, still pulling them beside me.

"I will now take the opportunity to introduce myself properly to the remaining 42 applicants." The Chairman started.

"Oh, only 42 were left?" After removing and keeping my hands all back together to myself subconsciously, I looked around, amused that there are indeed 42 applicants left until the Third Phase of the exam.

"Oi, why did you remove your hand? Put it back, put it back..." Hisoka held my hand and made it rest on his hips, making me chuckle in disbelief.

"Stop being clingy, will you?!" I jokingly hissed.

I was about to lift my hand once again when he caught it. "Guuum~" He called.

"Okay, okay! There! Now, keep quiet!"

"Tch," Illumi grunted and held my other arm to make it rest on his hips too. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion but he just glared at me, not wanting me to ask about it anymore.

Ugh, these men!

To avoid more arguments that were about to come, I let them do whatever they wanted to.

"I am Netero, the Chairman of the Selection Committee for this year's Hunter Exam. It's a pleasure to meet all of you." the Chairman introduced himself as planned.

"And I'm his secretary, Beans!"

Oh, I was right. I remembered his name right.

"I had originally planned to make my appearance during the Exam's final phase, but well, seeing that I'm already here..." He paused for a while, looking at each of us. "I have to admit that there's nothing I love more than this feeling of tension in the air." The old man grinned.

I yawned.

"Are you a sleepyhead, Gum?~ This is the nth time that you've yawned." It was Hisoka. I didn't respond, rubbing my eyes to prevent them from closing.

"It's nice to hear that you're paying too much attention to me, Hisoka-ahh." I teased, yawning again.

Fully aware, I removed my hands off their bodies and stretched them as I tried to keep myself awake.


"Shut up Magician and let her stretch or else she'll fall asleep here." It was Illumi who didn't let Hisoka finish his sentence. The magician seemed entertained as he exchanged looks with me and Illumi.

I placed my arms behind my back, making myself a pillow out of them as I leaned against it.

"We are scheduled to arrive at our destination tomorrow exactly at 8 in the morning." Beans announced. "You can find dinner waiting for you in the dining hall. You're also welcome to get some rest, of course. You're free to do as you please until we contact you..." He added, making everyone else glad.

"That's all, the evening is yours!"

As soon as Beans dismissed us, I saw Killua and Gon run off to somewhere.

Of course, they're going to explore this massive airship. That's Gon and Killua for you.

I thought to myself.

"Hey, Hageshi." Kurapika approached me with Leorio.

"Aren't you going to come with us and sleep? Gon and Killua, they've got so much energy," said Leorio.

Dazed In A Maze | Hisoka x OCWhere stories live. Discover now