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"Woah, you have a tattoo? It looks cool!" Shalnark gasped as he scanned the finger in my hand with an amused look, where Hisoka's last name is tattooed.

Hisoka is a Spider too, right? Don't they know his last name?

Well, I am guessing they don't.

Shalnark wouldn't react this way if he knew that the tattoo on my finger which says 'Morow' belongs to Hisoka.

"Do you have more tattoos? Can I see? Can I see?" he asked with such a cheerful voice.

"Uh, hahaha. None... The only tattoo that I have is this one on my finger," I lied with a fake chuckle.

I can't show him the tattoo under my left boob and on my side waist.

"You forgot about this one behind your ear!"

"Oh, that? I just found out that I have this tattoo a few days ago," I told him.

"Shalnark," Chrollo shot Sharky a warning look but Shalnark being Shalnark, just smiled teasingly to his boss and went on blabbering about how fascinating my tattoos are.

"It's okay. Let him," I motioned my hand to give Chrollo a signal that I'm okay with whatever Shalnark is doing, and what he wants to do.

I tried to insist that I would pay for the bill, but just as I expected, Chrollo already had it covered.

"Now, what are we going to do?" Uvogin asked.

"Return to the base, of course. We still have a lot of things to discuss with Hageshi," Chrollo replied.


Shalnark was busy playing with my hands so I let them sway alongside instead of sliding them inside of my pockets.



"Hey, where's the hoodie I was wearing when we met? And where can I take a shower again? My body's kind of covered in sweat," I turned to ask Chrollo.

"It's in my room. You can also take a shower there since you'll be staying in my room while you're here," he said.

"Eh? Can't I have my own room or what?"

"You'll try to escape," he cut me off right away which made me raise an eyebrow in amusement.

"Of course, I would," I scoffed.

"...but at the same time, you can't and you won't,"

"What makes you think I won't escape?" I glanced at the man behind me.

"You'll know after you take a shower,"

"I don't take orders from anyone-"

"I'm not ordering you to do so, princess," he cut me off and walked past me.

Chrollo turned to look at me like he was motioning me to follow him.

"The hell?" I frowned, clenching my fist out of irritation.


Shalnark opened both of my hands and intertwined them with his, which caught me off guard for a bit.

"Calm down. Next time you want to clench your fists, you can hold my hand so you won't hurt yourself by cutting your skin with your nails. They're kind of long," he said as he smiled at me genuinely.

"Tch. Get your hands off her, you idiot," I heard Fei.

"Ha! I'm not an idiot, Fei! I'm in the intelligence team of the Troupe!" Shalnark sneered.

Dazed In A Maze | Hisoka x OCWhere stories live. Discover now