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"Ooh, what's with the glare, Ace?"

I wanted to clench my fists so bad, but I decided to take Chrollo's advice yesterday.

"I would control my emotions if I were you,"

That's what he told me.

"My name's Hageshi Zoldyck, not Ace," I said calmly.

I shouldn't let him have me wrapped around his fingers.

I shall not let him get through under my skin and control me.

"Ahh, right..."

"Let's get things straight. Why did you decide to show up? I'm okay without you in my life," I told him.

"No, no, Saara-"

"Don't make me repeat myself, sir. I already told you who I am," I cut him off.

"My, my... You don't even want to call me 'Papa', huh? Fine then, Zabala will do," he sighed.

"It's weird to call you my father when I didn't know I had one," I remarked right away.

"Shouldn't we do a catch-up thingy first between us? I think we must do that now, Hageshi... It has been a really long time," Zabala insisted as he stared into my eyes with a threatening look.

Those eyes...

I think I've seen them before.

They belong to someone who lives in the world of darkness as if their life revolves around it.

I smirked, returning the same intensity of his glare.

I guess it doesn't matter... since they're just the same as mine.

"Hmm... What must we catch up on about, Zabala?" I asked with a mocking look plastered all over my face.

"You don't really know who you are, do you?"

"...and you think you can make me remember?" I scoffed.

"Of course, Saara... I'm your father, after all. I know everything about you,"

"Zabala, this is the last time I'm telling you that my name is none other than Hageshi Zoldyck. They didn't raise me to become and turn into this Saara you're blabbering about, or whoever that person is," I made sure that I was clear in my words... that I'm not and will never be under his control.

Let's just hope that shit won't greet me this time.

"Well, it's just fair. You won't call me 'papa' like you used to do before... so I'll call you however I want to," he grinned.

"Hmm? I already abandoned my past the moment I took a step out of that orphanage," I said while slipping both of my hands nonchalantly back into my pockets, where I placed my cards.

"You abandoned your mother that fast?"

I was taken aback by his sudden question.

"She died in an accident," I grunted.

"Your mother was the one who named you..."

No, calm down. Don't let him get under your skin.

"She thought that Saara would fit you so well,"

My head began to pound again like it's going to split in half, but I showed no emotions.

"You can't even remember their names, can you?"

Zabala took a step forward.


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