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I woke up so early in the morning.

Looking at the clock, it says 4:00 AM.

"Still too early." I thought to myself.

Yawning, I turned to the man beside me.


I was hesitant whether I should touch him by his face or not. Aside from I don't want to wake him up this early, he looks like an angel who has finally taken its rest peacefully in its haven. He's even hugging the unnecessary pillows which he told me to remove.

I've decided to let him be and will wake him up before sunrise, that should be enough for us to get prepared.

I stretched myself before going out of the room to jog outside in the backyard a bit without bringing me cards.

However, the darts, I conjure them. Darting was the first thing that I've mastered conjuring before the daggers, and they're not ordinary darts. They contain a deadly chemical that's enough to knock you out for a few days, though days wouldn't be enough if you got hit more than twice. The effect would last longer and become more painful if I aimed at the right nerve, or the right part of his body, triggering the vessels to bleed out and cause them to lose blood which is enough for them to pass out.

If the victim had a high poison-tolerance, or its body got used to poison, just like us, the darts would still have its effect on the victim but it would only last for about half a day or three to five hours, since it was the shortest time it was effective that I could recall from one of my past missions.

After learning that I'm a specialist through Water Divination, Illumi, Zeno-san, and Silva-san trained me harder.


"In which category does she belong?" Zeno asked his son, Silva. "We'll know. Let her perform and show us what she's got."

I nodded as Illumi soon placed a glass filled with water and a leaf that floats atop of it. They oriented me on what I should do after teaching me the basics of Nen, I must place my hands around the glass and perform Ren.

'The results would then determine in which category I belong to..'

I took a deep breath.


After focusing and waiting for a few minutes, we saw how the leaf immediately dried out and soon broke into small pieces... The result didn't stop there, the water boiled as it released a horrid smell that filled the room.

Looking confused and shocked, I didn't realize I was still performing Ren until Illumi tapped my hand and gently pushed me away from the glass.

"W-what does that m-mean, Silva-san?" I asked nervously. "Does that mean.... that I don't have a category?" I was breathing heavily, still confused and nervous about the result of my Water Divination.

I was debating with myself, whether shall I look at them or not?

"W-we're glad we found you."

"You're a Specialist," Illumi said.

Confused, I looked at the two adults who already had collected themselves.

"I knew it," I heard Zeno-san mutter.

"The result of your Water Divination, you made a completely different change which makes you a Specialist.." Silva-san started. "It allows you to use other categories which are Enhancement, Emission, Transmutation, Conjuration, and Manipulation..."

Dazed In A Maze | Hisoka x OCWhere stories live. Discover now