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"Now, now, we're not going to directly climb our way downwards to reach the base, right?" I asked, tapping the tiles underneath us. There must be another way to go down and reach the bottom of this tower.

"Yeah," Illumi replied.

"This is suicide if we'll force our way from here," I heard Kurapika say from a distance.

"Well, not for me!" An applicant suddenly climbed downwards without hesitations, bragging about how he has waited for this time to come. "For an expert rock climber, this is just a piece of cake," #86 added.

I thought he was going to continue what he's doing, but he tried to grab my leg to throw me off the edge as he gripped tightly onto the rocks. Before he could even lay a finger on me, I pinned his hands using my darts.

"Aw! Remove it, I won't do it again! Please..." He pleaded.

Ahh, that's the reaction I've always longed to see.

I miss doing missions already, the one that involves a lot of killing.

Ignoring his cries, I stepped on his hands, making him whimper in pain as he fell a little bit for letting go.

"Hey! You're going to kill him!" Someone from the applicants said.

"He'll survive, he's a rock climber after all." I mocked.

"Let's not waste our time. Tap and check on the tiles, there must be trap doors underneath us. That's the best option we can choose since we don't want to die in the process if we planned to reach the bottom directly from jumping off the edge of this tower." I turned to Hisoka and Illumi who was watching me with their arms crossed in front of their chest.

The sudden distant thudding caught all of our attention. As we all raised our guards, a couple of shrieking creatures appeared out of nowhere and attacked someone on the side of the tower.

Probably, it was the one who claimed he's an expert rock climber.


Slipping my hands back into my pockets, stepping on the trap doors that I found to show it to Hisoka and Illumi.

"Judging from the size, only one person can go through at a time, so two people or more won't fit. And there's a chance that this is one-way, so wherever it leads us, that's it. Let's just hope that this isn't a trap and will bring the three of us in the same place." I added.


"On three... One, two.."

"Three!" Before Illumi could finish, I slid myself inside and immediately fell to the ground.

I stood up and looked around. I am in a room with fall walls, and nothing more. Except for the opening with different pathways onwards that I noticed in the corner. Just when I was about to move my way towards it, I felt the strong presence of the two psychos I am with.

"Oh, hey." I greeted, not bothering to look back. We advanced without feeling the need of having to talk, as we all took the same turns in the path we're walking in.

"This is boring," I yawned. "Hey, Magician!" I grinned mischievously before sending my cards to attack him. He gazed at me from the side and caught my cards.

"Let's not make a mess inside the tower, okay, Gum?~ If one of us failed to catch your cards, we'll stop playing your little game~" He hummed, throwing my cards back to me with a little amount of his aura. "And it's Hisoka, stop calling me Magician."

I rolled my eyes.

"Magician~ Magician~ Magician~" I teased, chanting 'magician' louder and louder. The echo that I made filled the tower as we went on exchanging attacks, trying to make my cards fall to the ground.

Dazed In A Maze | Hisoka x OCWhere stories live. Discover now