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"You know the drill?" Illumi asks casually.

"Hmm," I replied.

"Go to the basement. Milluki must have started whipping Kill. Go there and that'll atone for the mistakes you've done during the exam," Illumi orders the moment we reached home.

"Yes," I answered without questions.

As he ordered, I directly went straight to the dungeon where I'll get tortured and beaten up.

Before I could twist the knob open, the sounds of whipping echoes. When I opened the door, I found Killua spitting blood with a blank expression, unlike Milluki who seems to be enjoying the sight of his little brother getting punished for running away from home.

"Oh? Well, I guess you can't stand my family anymore which brought you here?" Milluki mocked when I came inside.

I ignored him and chained my hands up next to Killua.

"Oi! What do you think you're doing?!" he yelled in annoyance.

"Restraining my hands. You don't want me to unconsciously manipulate my cards and kill you, do you?" I retorted back.

"Cards? What about your darts?"

"They're still darts," I answered.

"You bitch-"

"Will you just start torturing me already?" I cut him off. "Uhm, but don't forget that if I get bored, these chains won't be enough to restrain me," I added as I positioned myself comfortably.

"You can't fight me. I'm here to give you your punishment and that's why you're here. I don't know what shit have you done but I'll take this for granted and beat the hell out of you," Milluki gritted his teeth in anger.

"I can fight you, Milluki. Whip me all you want or whatever, I'm just here for the sake of getting my punishment done. Don't overlook it," I declared casually but with authority. He just won't stop if I'll let him step on me. He needs to be aware that I can and I will also overpower him if needed.

"You fucking bitch-"

"Don't you know any other words than that to call me?" I asked with my eyes closed as I laid my head back to rest.

Soon enough, the tip of the whip Milluki was holding greeted my body, but I didn't react, which I think was the reason why he got pissed off even more.

"Why aren't you making any noise?!" He asks after whipping me countless times.

"What? Do you expect me to wince in pain from that? I already told you, didn't I? Whip or torture me all you want, I don't care how. I'm just here to get it done," I muttered calmly.

I opened my eyes to meet his furious expression.

"I still don't get why they decided to take you in, you should've just rotten in that orphanage! I can't see what is it that makes you so special!" Milluki bursts.

"Then stop thinking about me and don't torture yourself. Even I, don't know my past so don't lash out on me," I sighed.

"Ha!" He scoffed. "That's right. You can't even remember your past because of big brother's needles. You're so helpless but why are they still keeping you?! You don't even deserve to be a Zoldyck-!" He screamed.

"Enough, Milluki. That's not for you to decide and you can't just go around triggering Hageshi's past. You wouldn't want to wish for a bomb to explode just yet, would you? I'm warning you," I heard Silva's serious voice.

"Your son finally has returned, Silva," Zeno whispered, referring to Killua who was also chained next to me.

"B-but father..."

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