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"Let's just go back near the shore and watch from above," I told Hisoka.

The remaining two days have already passed and today must be the day when the Fourth Phase would come to its end.

For the past nights, I didn't bother to drift into a deep slumber since I did not feel sleepy at all. Also, one of us had to stay awake to keep watch. As for Hisoka, I let him lean against me and fall asleep on my chest as I run my fingers through his hair, while our legs were intertwined together to prevent the both of us from falling.

"Should we go back to where we left Illumi and get him here?" I asked the magician.

"You have an earpiece, right?"

"Aye, I forgot!"

I tapped my earpiece right away and tried to reach Illu.


"I'm here, Hageshi,"

Upon hearing his familiar distorted voice, I looked down on the shore and found him looking in our direction.

"He's there!" I pointed at him.

"Let's go down," Hisoka said as we jumped.

"You got a good sleep?" I mocked the pincushion.

"Mm-hmm," Illu responded with a hum.

"Phase Four of the Exam is now officially over! All applicants, please return to the starting point at once. You will be given one additional hour to make your way back. If you still haven't returned by the time that hour is up, you will fail the exam."

Khara's voice in PA echoes in the whole Island.

"Hey, isn't it weird?" I turned to the boys.


"No one ever tried to hunt me down, hmph," I pouted as I extended my arms out to pull the three of us together, resting my arm on their shoulders as they rested theirs on my waist.

"Exchanging badges at the starting point is strictly prohibited. Any attempt to do so will result in immediate disqualification."

"I understand though, your presence alone is already enough for them to retreat," I heard Killua's voice from a distance.

"Yeah, point taken," I replied and looked back to wave my hand to the kid, before returning them to Hisoka's shoulder.

"Tch, they could've tried, at least..." I murmured, still upset about the idea that no one really did try to at least steal my badge away from me. That was why I didn't take it off! To lure my hunter! But sadly, no hunter came.

"I told you, you should've just wished for me to be your hunter~" Hisoka mocked.

"And I told you that it's going to be pretty boring~" I mirrored the way he mocked me, making him chuckle.

As we made our way to the starting point, we waited for a few more minutes until we saw Khara and the boat. She already had the bridge ready for us to cross after checking each applicant's points.

"#44, Mr. Hisoka,"

"#147, Ms. Hageshi,"

"#301, Mr. Gittarackur,"

"#58, Mr. Pokkle,"

"#99, Mr. Killua,"

"#191, Mr. Bodoro,"

"#294, Mr. Hanzo,"

I slipped my hands back into my pockets after presenting my badges to Khara.

Dazed In A Maze | Hisoka x OCWhere stories live. Discover now