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A/N: This chapter is going to be a very long one.

My phone was lagging when I was writing this because it's over 3k words.



[Still Illumi's POV]

"It wasn't him, Illu..."

After hearing those words come from Hageshi somehow calmed me down. But the next thing that happened made my heart race.



I panicked as I heard a continuous ear-splitting noise coming from the monitor.

I immediately pushed the buzzer button near her bed and tried to do something about the monitor that displayed a flat line even if I knew it would make no sense.

Not so long until nurses and doctors came rushing over... along with everyone else that got worried about Hageshi.

"What happened--"

"Hageshi... she..."

"I'm sorry, but all of you gotta stay outside. Please leave her to us. We'll do our best," a nurse said and kindly motioned us to leave the room immediately.

I stood outside and tried to take a peek from the window but they also closed the curtains which blocked our sights, preventing us to see what's going on inside.

"She often does that," I heard Kill's cold voice beside me.

I turned to look at him and saw him clenching his fist, while his other hand was resting in one of his pockets.

"Does what?"

"Stop breathing and then would come back to life like a god damn zombie," he mumbled harshly and paused for a while, "...but this is the first time that her monitor went off," Kill added with the very same emotionless face and voice.

...not even a trace of emotion, hmm?

Well, I guess it is what it is. We were trained to endure pain, but enduring all this doesn't mean it doesn't hurt anymore.

She's the only one I care for, aside from my family. She was the one to introduce me to feel those foreign emotions we shouldn't be having.

I sighed. Then, I returned my gaze to the window in front of me even if I can't see a thing because of the curtains.

"Let's go," Killua grabbed my wrist and dragged me along with him.

He's only dragging me because I am letting him.

"Where are you two going? I don't think leaving her now would be an option," Chrollo appeared and stood on our way.

"Oh, good timing. You should come with us too," Kill said and pulled the bandit with us.


Chrollo shot me a confused look but I also gave him an I-don't-have-any-idea look.

"You guys..." A medium blonde guy with dark grey eyes appeared in front of us. Beside him, there's a determined-looking Gon.

"Oh, Kurapika! Gon!" Killua called.

I and Chrollo remained silent as we don't know how are we supposed to act.

I have no idea that Hageshi has made friends for real.

"Killua," the green-haired kid called.

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