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I wonder what kind of game will we play for the Fourth Phase.

I thought.

I made a telescope from my hand to zoom in and have a wider view of the mentioned Island right near us.

"To begin with, I will need each of you to draw lots now," Lippo said as he presented a box with our badge numbers inside.

"What will that decide?" I heard someone ask.

"Who you hunt, and who hunts you." What he said made me grin.

"Finally, like what a Hunter Exam must have," I let out a relieved sigh. "Found a new excuse if I kill someone accidentally," I whispered.

"Accidentally, huh?" Hisoka scoffed.

"Yeah, I haven't killed for days. I might just kill whoever I landed my sight on once the Fourth Phase begins." I chuckled.

"Let's hunt our targets down together, then." The magician offered.

"Let's race on who can kill most?" I tried to propose with hope in my eyes as I held his hands tight to make him say yes.

"Why don't you wish to have me as your hunter?" He smirked.

"But that's going to be boring! You don't want to break your favorite toy yet... do you, Hisoka?" I flicked his chest hardly. "Saving the best for the last, huh? So much for being your standard, you clown." I mocked.

Lippo explained further about the box that contains our badge numbers.

"Now, each of you will draw a card in the order you cleared the tower. All right, which one of you was the first one to exit the tower?"

Hisoka walked confidently and drew a card. After him, I followed. The cards are still sealed so we can't see who's our target.

"Hey, how about we don't remove our badges?" I turned to face them.


The other applicants were fast on removing their badges from their bodies to hide them somewhere else.

"Now, has everyone drawn already?" The Examiner paused for a while. "Very well. Now if you would, please go ahead and remove the sticker."

I did as I'm told. I removed the sticker and it revealed the number 80 on it.

"The number you see is your target."


If my memory serves me right, she's going to be my target.

The very moment I stepped foot to where the First Phase was held, I took my time memorizing and scanning every applicant's appearance. From their badge numbers to how they communicate with the other participants.

So I can't be mistaken.

It's her.

The one with a sniper.

I didn't bother to check and see who has me as their target, because that will ruin the intense tension that has started to rise. Whoever looks at you like they're doing something illegal, isn't that going to be suspicious? So, I wouldn't risk it. Plus, that's a very basic thing when you're hunting for your target. The first thing you'd like to do is to not make yourself appear as suspicious as you already are.

Even if she sees me staring at her, or she finds out that I am her hunter and she's my target, it doesn't matter. I will kill her anyway.

"This box has recorded the number that each of you drew. Each card was tallied and then stored in memory. So, if you like it, you're free to dispose of the cards. It makes no difference at this point." I listened carefully.

Dazed In A Maze | Hisoka x OCWhere stories live. Discover now