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I watched the target as he tried to escape from my Puppet Strings while I was restraining him.

"Illumi, squeeze the information out of him if he won't speak. Time's running," I said.

"Someone's trying to reach you. The lights kept blinking," he replied in a corner.


"What's the point of having that wireless gadget I attached in your ear if you're not going use it?" he retorted.

"Who would contact me--"

"Just do as I say. It might be someone from home. Hurry and get out. I'll handle this one but keep your strings around him because he's a stubborn one," Illumi said.


I went out of the room and made sure to close my fist so I won't accidentally let our target go and escape. After that, I tapped the device on my ear and immediately heard Gon over the line.

"Hageshi! Finally!"

"Yes, baby? What's the problem?"

"It's them!"

"Hey, hey... Calm down and tell me what's going on,"

"... they're at it again... you wanna hear them?"


I waited for a few more seconds until I heard yells after yells.

"It was a mix of mine and Ara's name! Chro and Shi!"

"How come? You said Ara, not Shi~ How can that possibly happen?~"

"Oi! Stop fighting over a name that's obviously after mine and Hageshi's, you guys!"

I even had to put the phone away from my ear.

"Phew, that was... really... Anyway, where's Pika and Leoldio?"

"Kurapika couldn't go. He said he'd kill Chrollo next time they meet so when he knew Chrollo's here, he bolted. As for Leorio, you'd be thankful that he's not here, Hageshi..."

"Yeah, right. Seems like it,"

"The entire floor would be a mess if they're both here,"

"I'll be home in a moment. How's your brother and sister?"

"They're with me. I'm telling them a story,"

"Keep on doing that, baby. Until I come home, okay?"

"Okay... Sorry for calling you when you're at work,"

"No, no. Don't worry about that,"

"By the way, I tried stopping them but they all ignored me. At first, it was me and Killua who was playing with the twins, but Chrollo said something that triggered Killua so..."

"Hahahaha. Don't worry and let them be. They'll stop once I arrive,"

"I'm really sorry!"

"Quit apologizing, silly. I'll hang up now so I can go home right away, hmm? Love you,"

"Love you! Take care!"

I tapped the device again and went back inside, only to see Illumi who was also on his way out.

Dazed In A Maze | Hisoka x OCWhere stories live. Discover now