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When I opened my eyes, I found myself standing in front of very familiar people who I once thought I didn't know, because they were faceless back then.

But now that I am standing here, it all makes sense.

Their faces were clear—I mean 'our' faces were as clear as a crystal right before my eyes.

"Princess, someday, these cards are going to save you." I heard from the gorgeous man who was standing right in front of the child version of myself.

"How are they going to save me?" she asked innocently.

"You'll know when the time is right." The man in front of the young me started crying and held me tightly in his arms. I was so confused but it appears that I returned the hug, according to what I am seeing right now.

My eyes roamed around the place, finally realizing that we're inside the circus where Chrollo asked me to meet.

'That's why he asked if this place was familiar or not, huh?'

I thought to myself.

While my eyes were scanning the entire circus, I spotted a child that looked lonely on the corner. He was longingly watching the younger version of me and the man with a blurred face who I assume is my father, as he tightened his grip on the book he was holding.

"Chrollo...?" I whispered to myself.

The next thing I knew, the scene changed and it was the scene where my younger version asks my father to teach me how to build a card house.

"Papa! Papa! Teach me how to build a house of cards, please?!"

"You'll just get frustrated, honey. The cards will fall and fall and fall..." The man patted the younger me in the head as I watched silently in the corner.

"I don't care, Papa! Just teach me how it works and I'll learn! Can I use my aura? What was it again? N-nun?" I laughed at how dumb I was for thinking it was Nun instead of Nen.

"No, you can't. And that was Nen, not nun, honey. Your nen is too powerful and dangerous, I'm afraid you might not know how to control it at your age." I furrowed my eyebrows as I continued listening to them.

The younger me pouted.

"Your nen is too dangerous that if mishandled, it could lead to destruction, princess. So, not now.." The man hugged the young me.

He said he wouldn't teach me how to build a house of cards, but there he was, showing his princess how to do it. He also showed me some magic tricks without revealing the secret behind those tricks.

On the other hand, I spotted the same young Chrollo in the corner with his book. He was carefully watching the young me and my father as we conversed like he's studying us from every corner.

"A magician never reveals his secret to anyone, remember that. Our blood is in these cards, my princess." The man then soon pricked the kid's finger using the Queen of Spades, and Ace of Spades Card, as he pricked himself with the Ace of Spades card.

"I would know when you're ready to hold and play with these cards, Saara Yunji..."

"..even in my death."

The pain in my head made my body jolt up.

"What in the goddamn hell was that?! I thought I already slept all the pain away! Fuck," I winced in pain as I held my head.

Dazed In A Maze | Hisoka x OCWhere stories live. Discover now