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All of my excitement was washed away the second Killua faced Illumi with an unimpressed expression.

He has miscalculated everything!

"You seem pretty tensed up~" Hisoka whispered in my ears mockingly.

"Shut u-up," I tried not to stutter but my mouth betrayed me.

I watched how Killua started to walk slowly towards his opponent...until Illumi spoke,

"It's been a while, Kill,"

He started to remove his pins one by one until he has returned to his original form.

"Big b-brother..." Killua tensed up and I can feel his fear from his shaky voice and uneasy breathing.

I know I shouldn't be worried about him but I couldn't help myself!

"One day, I'll make you my friend without hurting you,"

"We vow to keep our promise,"

"Hageshi, you'll always be special to me,"

"Look after Alluka for me, okay? I know you can handle our little sister,"

"Ow!" I exclaimed as I felt like my head is going to crack anytime soon.

"You won't be remembering anything from your past starting now,"

My vision started to spin and I tried to close my eyes as I lean against someone but it didn't help at all.

"Oi, Gum," I heard someone call... but Illumi's voice was still echoing in my mind and is dominating my entire system.

"You only belong to me, Hageshi,"

"Your loyalty lies on us,"

"I own you,"

"My head fucking hurts!" I winced in pain. I felt a hand rubbing my back who I seemed to belong to Hisoka as I returned my eyes to Illu and Kill at the center.

"Listen carefully, Hageshi," Illumi turned to me. "This might be the very first time that you'll fail something directly tasked to you," He grinned at me, emphasizing the words meaningfully.

I tried to move but my body just wouldn't budge an inch.

Killua looked at me with a familiar worried and apologetic expression displayed on his face.

He was smiling but there's a pool of tears in his eyes.

"Damn it, ow!" I held my head.

My breath started to quiver as blurry scenarios came flashing in my mind like a landslide.

"Enough for playtime. It's time to go home, Kill... and Shi," Illumi said loud and clear.

Ugh! My mission was to bring Killua back home but in the end, it was Illumi who did all the work! Not to mention that I also ended up being like Kill who needs to be brought home immediately.

I fucked up, didn't I?

I don't think that Kikyo would punish me for making a mistake since she just wants us to return with Killua. But I'm pretty sure it would be Milluki who would insist on giving me a punishment.

"Mom was so concerned about you being out on your own, that's why she ordered Hageshi to check on you and said she'll torture her to death if she came back without you. She also asked me to come with Shi in case things would go out of hand," Hearing those words from Illumi made Killua look at me again. Even if he was starting to have some problems with his breathing, he still looked at me apologetically, which made me shook my head right away to reassure him that I am, and will be okay.

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