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After a few hours of interviewing all the applicants, we finally arrived at the site where the Final Phase of the Exam will be held.

"Well, did everyone get a good rest?" The Chairman asked.

All applicants nodded in response.

We were formed in a straight line as Chairman Netero explains how the Hunter Exam Committee runs this hotel. Our Examiners and some bodyguards were also present in the same area as where we are.

"For the Final Phase of the Exam, you'll be competing in a one-on-one tournament," He then took the cloth off the huge board, revealing the familiar tournament-like line-up.

"You only need one win to pass this phase. As you see, the winners will drop away and the losers have to advance to reclaim their victory to the next round. Which means, the person who reaches the top will not pass," the Chairman instructed.

"You're saying that only one person will fail the exam, right?" It was Hanzo who asked.


There was a moment of silence until the Chairman moved to show us who's going to be each other's opponent.

"Here's the bracket that we've prepared,"

My eyes scanned the line-up right away.

'I'm up against Bodoro, #191.'

I thought.


I took a glimpse of Illumi who was smirking like an idiot.

His opponent is...

"Hey, Hageshi!" Killua walked in front of me.


Right, he doesn't know that he's up against his big brother!

But I can't just tell him that Gittarackur and Illumi are the same people!

"Fuck this," I murmured.

Killua knows why I'm here, to bring him home with me. But he doesn't have an idea that I am with Illumi. To calm myself down, I took deep breaths as I cleared my mind.

'Whatever happens, happens. That's why I'm here in the first place, to make the young master return home and lead the family business.'

I told myself.

"Disregarding it now doesn't mean you won't deal with it afterwards,"

Hisoka's voice echoed at the back of my mind.

He's right. Maybe that's why Kikyo ordered Illumi to come with me. Because she knows there's a chance of me, getting distracted along the process which might result in me failing the mission she gave me to bring her son back home.

Now that I've summed it all up together, I've thought of it. Whenever I'm alone to do my mission, I do admit that I always spent my time playing around with my targets. I get easily distracted in both negative and positive ways, just like as Hisoka said when we first fought for our little playtime.

"Hmm, so? You see, every competitor has at least two chances to win a round." Chairman Netero added.

The first pair was Gon and Hanzo.

Everybody seemed to be in such a deep thought as the rest of the remaining applicants remained silent. They must be focusing really hard to think of a way to win against their opponents.

"Yeah... But some people get five chances to gain a victory, like 294 and 405," If my memory serves me right, it was number 53, Pokkle, who spoke.

"Couldn't you have used a more balanced bracket? I don't want to fight a woman," I heard my opponent say which made me raise my eyebrows in amusement. "Don't get me wrong, but... I don't want to end up hurting #147 so bad and I know you know what I mean by that, Chairman," Bodoro added.

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