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"I heard you're this magician's equal?" Zabala snickered.

I clenched my fist and tried to take Chrollo's hands off of me but he resisted to back off.

Instead, he tightened his grip to not to let me go, but it wasn't that tight that it would hurt me.

"You're now thinking that I'm such a villainous father, aren't you?" Zabala chuckled. "Well, if that's what you think, I guess I am..."

He kept on blabbering but my eyes were glued to the Magician's presence.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I do not have any tragic story to tell you as a villain..." Zabala went on.

"Shut the hell up!" I yelled angrily.

"Get ahold of yourself, princess. Things will only get worse," Chrollo whispered in my ear.

"Oh, come on! I suggest that you two go and get a room, but that would mean I don't get a little chitchat with my daughter... so, hold it right there, Chrollo. Let me speak with Saara and she's all yours right after," Zabala snickered as he raised both of his eyebrows up and down to tease us.

"My apologies, Master... but I missed her and I want to make it up with Hageshi," Chrollo smiled.

I hissed and tried to get his attention but his grip on my waist just tightened, as if he's telling me to stand still and get along with him.

"Yeah, it's pretty obvious that you missed the woman that I promised to you. You miss her so much that you got her pregnant right away after getting her back," My father laughed in amusement, which pissed me off even more.

"Well, I guess you just did the right thing. You trying to keep your woman and eliminate all the other opportunities that might cause her to run away again, huh?" he chuckled.

Chrollo bowed with a smile plastered on his face.

... but things are different for me.

I didn't bother to hide that I don't like what's happening now. I showed them, especially Zabala, that I am not taking a liking to any of these shits.

Hisoka, I just want to fall asleep in his arms and listen to his heartbeat...

but he looks... unbothered.

Earlier, I thought I've seen a glimpse of anger in his expression after hearing Chrollo call me with the endearment he gave me, but I guess it was just all inside my head.

"So... shall we test out how well can you handle Spadille?" Zabala proposed as he snapped his fingers.

Not so long until I found Pakunoda dragging someone else along with her.


I narrowed my eyes and tried to see who the person was, but I failed. It's too dark for me to see from where I stand.

"Hey, you knew him all this time?" I asked Hisoka, but he just grinned as he hummed.

"Oh, him? Well, remember what I told you when you were still a kid?" Zabala interrupted.

I remained silent.

"A magician never reveals the secrets to his tricks,"

"A magician never reveals his secrets," I recited, which made Zabala's lips curve into a small smile.

"I see... You can remember things now?"

"Just a bit,"

Compared to my mood earlier, I'm much calmer now.

Dazed In A Maze | Hisoka x OCWhere stories live. Discover now