Fluff imagines #2: April Fools' Day

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(Lol, this imagine won't be 100% fluff. April Fools >:0

There will be some angst in the paragraph that's under triple parenthesis ((())) Skip over that if you don't want angst.)

On the morning of April 1, at the Galaxy Family household, Time wakes up and gets dressed in his room. He approaches his closed bedroom door and stands in front of it instead of open it. Thanks to his future vision, he knows Galaxy is standing at his door, dressed up as Void Steve, ready to jumpscare Time once the door is opened. Time knows this because his future vision lets him be aware of every single prank that'll happen on this day.

With a smug expression, Time silently teleports out of his room and into the kitchen. He tiptoes back to his bedroom, seeing Galaxy still staring at his door. Time sneaks up to him and jumpscares him first. Galaxy screams.

But don't worry, Galaxy eventually gets over it (and he lowkey deserves it after disguising as Void). Galaxy proceeds to spend the rest of the day as usual. But because it's April Fools' Day and he's Galaxy Steve, he keeps falling victim of pranks when random Steves offer him free food that's too spicy or too mint-toothpaste-y.

After breakfast, Time, Memory, and Illusion all meet up in the living room. They begin their important mission: Operation Keep the House Prank-Free.

Both Illusion and Memory dread April Fools' Day because they have a lot of anxiety and they don't know when they'll encounter a distressing prank. And since Illusion and Memory are hated in the Steve realm (because of all the bad things they've done), they'll likely be the victims of malicious traps.

(((A long time ago, Memory encountered a very emotionally-scarring prank; some jerk set up a trap in a forest that teenage!Memory usually takes his walks in. Memory stepped on that trap and fell into a deep pit that the trap generated. With no ledge to teleport onto, no way to climb out, and the pit being cramped, that prank sent teenage!Memory into a panic attack about his claustrophobia. Time and Elemental had to step in and give that jerk some payback after rescuing Memory.)))

Anyways, Illusion and Memory agree that they'll just stay in the living room. They'll do work and do wholesome cousin activities together in the living room, and Time will use his future vision to detect pranksters coming to the Galaxy Fam household and stop them from reaching Illusion and Memory.

Time spends his whole day patrolling the house. If a prankster comes by, he'll either step into their prank and be completely unfazed by it, or counter the prank and scare the prankster off. Throughout the day, Time will "prank" Illusion and Memory by sending them cute, but random pictures of cats (and occasionally a rick roll meme).

Finally, it's midnight and it's now April 2. Time heads into the living room and sees Memory and Illusion asleep on the couch, tired out from all the work they were doing. Memory is sleeping while sitting, while Illusion is lying down with his head resting on Memory's lap. Time smiles and covers them both with a blanket without waking them up. 

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