💬 Incorrect Quotes #9 (+ hiatus update)

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*approaches the podium that has totally always been here*

*brushes the dust and cobwebs off the podium*


I am SO sorry for disappearing for a long time, and thank you guys so much for being patient during the hiatus/disappearance. But I am back, and RRFF and MMH will eventually return too! I have some updates to share!

RRFF will return on September 23, 2022. I got 7 chapters ready to go!

I am doing my best to get more progress done on RRFF. I've been really enjoying working on it during summer break! I do have to mention that I'll be busy again once summer break ends, but I'll try to keep MMH active once RRFF runs out of chapters in the queue.

Another semi-important update: I know I've mentioned a few times that I wanted to write a spinoff sequel to RRFF. However, I've lost interest in writing the spinoff sequel since I want to work on different stories once RRFF is finished. I might make smaller content (like skits) to show the story I was planning to tell in the spinoff sequel, but that is not a guarantee. I hope you guys understand that! For now, I'm just enjoying my time working on the main story of RRFF, and still being just as excited to share more chapters when they're ready!

Quick question: Do you guys need a recap of RRFF's story before the hiatus ends? I'm more than happy to provide one!

Anyways, I hope you liked my little update. I'd like to share incorrect quotes I've gathered over the weeks! I hope you enjoy them!


Memory: I don't really feel comfortable around large groups of people.
Illusion: Well, what do you consider a large group?
Memory: Anyone more than me.
(source: Sabrina the Teenage Witch)


Memory: You're yelling nice things at me again and it's very confusing.
(source: tumblr, I think)


Sabre: How are you all dealing?
Guardian: Well I'm breathing.
Sabre: That is setting the bar pretty low.
Guardian: It's better than Memory is doing.
Memory, having an anxiety attack in the corner of the room: Screw...you
(source: tumblr)


[Narrator]: *pours cereal box and lemons pour out*
[Narrator]: Well, when life gives you lemons!
(source: vine)


Illusion: I feel sad.
Memory: I have emotional jumper cables, I'll boost you. Just attach them like this.
Illusion: This is a hug.
Memory: Is it working?
Illusion: ...Yes.
(source: Internet)

Elemental: Are you tall enough to play with us though?
Illusion: Are you calling me short?
Elemental: I'm calling you vertically challenged. 


[Narrator]: Story time! (*mentally sobbing* Finally, a flashback that isn't terrible)
[Narrator]: Sadly, the family realizes that there is one cookie left at the bakery.
Galaxy, Time, Elemental, Memory:
Galaxy, shoving the three Steves out of the way: Sorry boys, that cookie is mine.
(source: Thomas Sanders, vine)


Sabre, after somehow uniting everyone under a common goal: We're not gonna hang around like sitting ducks. We're gonna take the fight to them. Like some WADDLING ducks! If the waddling was super fast and cool.
Memory: Like some boss ass penguins!
(source: b99)


Memory: I just told a story about my childhood that I thought was really funny, but now everyone is really quiet and someone said, "I'm so sorry".
(source: twitter)


Elemental: I have no fears.
Memory: What if you woke up one day and Illusion was taller than us?
Elemental: I have one fear.


Time: And what do we do when we're sad?
Memory: Apologize continually to everyone I have a conversation with.
Time: No.
Memory: Sorry.
(source: twitter)


Galaxy in his very early days: There's this guy who's apparently my "brother," but I've never once seen him make broth...
(source: tumblr)


Illusion: I'll do whatever I want when I'm 80.
Memory: If you're still alive at 80, I'll demand a medical explanation.
(source: texts from last night)


Illusion: Do it again!
Memory: Do what again?
Illusion: What you just did!
Memory: [Smiles]
Illusion: Yes!


Memory, being outgoing for once: Let's do something really scary!
Illusion: We could go to bed early and be alone with our thoughts.
(source: regular show)


Illusion: I think you're my best friend.
Memory: You think?
Illusion: Well, I can't know for sure, because I'm realizing now that I don't think I've ever really had one.
Memory: Okay, well, if we're being honest, I don't think I've ever had one, either.
Illusion: This would be a really sweet moment if what we had admitted to each other wasn't so sad.
(source: Schitt's Creek)

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