💬 Incorrect Quotes #5

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Spoilers for: Anything up to Chapter 26, "The Maps" from RRFF Dark Hours*

Content warning: one incorrect quote has an acephobic comment, and two quotes have homophobic comments.

*I have recently created a new book called "RRFF Dark Hours." I've decided to put all of my dark side-content into its own book, and "RRFF Dark Hours" is that book. It already has one deleted scene up called "The Maps", and this incorrect quotes chapter will have one spoiler of that deleted scene. Feel free to check it out if you want to.


Guardian: You know what, I'm about to say it.
Memory: Say what?
Guardian: I don't care that you broke your elbow.
(source: vine)


(cw: homophobia)

Evil!Elder Blue: Hey Professor!
Council Member: *stops what he's doing and looks up*
Evil!Elder Blue: *grabs Nightmare Steve and kisses him*
Nightmare Steve: <3
Council Member, kneeling over: Step back! I think I'm gonna vomit!
(source: vine)


Alex: Somebody at the dance party has been killed! Please help and -
Sabre: Calm down. We don't want to panic at the disco.

(source: vine)


Elemental: You either buckle down and do your work, or you'll end up at McDonald's.
His first servant: We're going to McDonald's if I don't do my work?!
Elemental, laughing: No.
(source: vine)


Sabre: Yeeted.
Memory: Yote.
Sabre: Yeeted.
Memory: Yote.
Alex: Look, I just wanna know who threw Guardian out the window.


Illusion Steve: I'm a bad boy! I don't take crap from anyone! I'm not nice!!!
Also Illusion Steve: Well I can't just leave this cart in the middle of the parking lot. I have to take it to the cart return. I'm not an animal. Those employees work hard.
(source: tumblr)


Memory: Sorry I'm late. I broke down on the way here.
Illusion: That sucks, bro. Is your car working now?
What car?
(source: either tumblr or twitter)


Memory, wanting to steal food at the Galaxy Tower when he isn't supposed to be there: I'm gonna munch. I'm gonna crunch.
(source: vine, Left at London)


Some jerk: You don't need to wear makeup opiwquepoiuewtopiwet
Elemental, working on his eyeliner: Well, I don't need to wipe my butt either, but it is, like, a preference of mine.
(source: vine)


(cw: acephobic comment)

Time, walking happily along the sidewalk: I'm honored that my friends call me the kindest guy on the globe ~~!
Some jerk walking past him: I don't think asexual people are real.
Time, turning around to chase after the jerk: But only if you aren't a motherf***ing acephobe ~~
(source: inspired by the vines by Aaron Chewning and Arthur)


Alex: I'm actually concerned for boys who complain about how different girls look without makeup. Like did you think eyeshadow permanently alters a girl's eyelid? Are you frightened when people change clothes?
Memory: Babies have no concept of object permanence.
Reality: That was one of the sickest burns I've ever heard.
(source: tumblr)

(Meanwhile, I just suck at recognizing faces. I am equally confused when a man, a woman, or a nonbinary person changes their look :') )


[Chapter 26 in a nutshell]

Memory: "Revenge"? That sounds dishonorable.
Reality, relieved: Oh good, so you're not going to -
Memory: I prefer to call it "returning the favor."
(source: unknown)


Reality: *trying to tackle Void with a steel chair but is being held back by Alex and Guardian*
Reality: You made Memory cry!!!
Void: Memory always cries!
Memory, crying: That's not true!
(source: Friends)


["The Maps" in a nutshell]

Elemental, looking at the maps: So basically, umm, what I was thinking about is -
Memory: *punches Elemental in the face, steals the maps, and teleports away*
Elemental: Oh ****. I can't believe you've done this!
(source: vine)


[And now, have some incorrect quotes starring Origin Galaxy (Galaxy and Void's dad, Memory and Illusion's grandfather). I like to imagine that these are all from Origin Galaxy being a babysitter for Child!Memory, Teen!Time, and Teen!Elemental until Galaxy and Void unfuse]


Child!Memory: *playing with the Kid Icarus Amiibo that he got when Time took him to the mall*
Origin Galaxy: Eey, grandson! Did Time buy you another anime?
Child!Memory: ...do you mean an Amiibo, Grandpa?
Origin Steve, turning around and walking away while trying not to cry: You'll get it next time, OG. You'll get it next time!
(source: vine, ProZD)


Origin Galaxy: *feeds the three kiddos vegetables*
Origin Galaxy: Make sure you eat those vegetables so you can grow big and strong!
Teenage!Time: What about you?
Origin Galaxy, ordering a pizza while opening up a jar of cookies: Me? I hate broccoli so I'm not gonna do that stuff, lol!
Child!Memory: *stares longingly at the jar of cookies* ;-;
(source: vine, Thomas Sanders)


(cw: homophobia)

Origin Steve: A family is a marriage between a man and a women and their kids, and that's it.
Origin Galaxy:
Origin Galaxy: *looks at his family*
Origin Galaxy: Then what am I supposed to call them? My army? My squad? My homies? An indestructible force of nature?


That's all I got for this installment.

Also, btw, this vine reminds me of Memory greeting Illusion:

[Video description: The "Good Evening" vine. A man in a hoodie slides down a wet ramp on his feet and stops in front of the camera. He says "Good evening" in a casual, polite tone. End video description.]

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