✍️ [Chp 6 spoilers] Skit: cookies

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Warning: The following contains:

-chapter 6 spoilers

-a dark ending, which contains death

(Also, in this skit, Memory isn't wearing the spiral mask, and people can see his facial expressions.)


[A long time ago, at the Galaxy Tower, at midnight]

Galaxy: *scans the hallways silently*

10-year-old Memory: *with Galaxy, following his lead*

Galaxy: *whispers* Coast is clear!

Galaxy: *tip toes to the kitchen*

10-year-old Memory: *teleports into the kitchen by Galaxy's side*

Galaxy: *flies up to the highest shelf to snatch Elemental's hidden jar of cookies* Yeeesssss. I've been craving for these cookies! I'd buy my own, but the baker only makes them during winter and Time Steve said "no" when I asked him to take me forward in time.

Galaxy: *lands on the ground and opens the jar*

Galaxy: *noms on cookie* <3

Galaxy: *hands Memory a cookie*

10-year-old Memory: :D *accepts the cookie and noms on it*


Galaxy: O_____O

10-year-old Memory: O______O


(btw, Elemental's an actual angsty TEENAGER in this skit)

Elemental: Are you eating from my food supply?

Galaxy: Memory, do your thing!

10-year-old Memory: *erases Elemental's memories*

Elemental: ?!



10-year-old Memory:

Elemental: Oh, hello, Father and Memory Steve. What are you doing here?

Galaxy: *forced smile* Just, just enjoying some cookies I bought yesterday! Cookies that I never told you about until now!

Elemental: I...I see. But late at night?

Galaxy: Time of the day doesn't matter for cookies.

Elemental: True, true. Well, I'll head back to my room now. *leaves*

Galaxy and 10-year-old Memory:

Galaxy and 10-year-old Memory: *sigh in relief and continue to eat Element's cookies*

Galaxy: *affectionally messes with Memory's hair* You. I like you!! I feel like we're gonna have fun adventures together, that only we'll remember!


[Two years later, at a Blue Steve village at night]

A Blue Steve: *walks nervously through the village, panicking* I-I don't remember the way home! Umm, left? I'll try left! *continues walking* Gah, the same light post?! Now I really don't know where I am.

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