💚 RRFF March hiatus update

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I promised I would post a status update about RRFF's hiatus in late March, and well, here it is XD

Hello and I hope you have been doing well!

So it's been 5 weeks since the RRFF hiatus started, and I have been using that hiatus to edit the next 6 chapters in the story as well as rework the plot. I've made a lot of progress on it. Unfortunately, a lot of personal stuff got in the way, causing me to spend less time on this story, and I expect even more personal stuff will slow down my progress.

Overall, I can say that 80% of the next 6 chapters have been edited, and I want to start posting chapters once I finish editing all 6 chapters. However, editing the last 20% will take a bit longer than expected.

So, after careful consideration, my goal is to have RRFF return on April 30. There is a chance that it may have to be delayed further. Later in mid-April, I will post another update where I can either confirm that RRFF will return on April 30 or delay it even more. But April 30 is the goal and I'll try to reach it! I hope you're looking forward to the next chapters I have in store for you!

Also, you may have noticed that I haven't posted anything on Memory's Meme Hour in a while. This is actually because...I've been thinking of finally posting mature-rated side content (ex: deleted RRFF scenes, alternative bad endings of RRFF, art/writing pieces that directly deal with the same dark topics that RRFF explores, etc.) and I don't know how to start introducing darker side-content.

My three options are:
1) Make a new book that's exclusively dark side content
2) Switch Memory's Meme Hour's rating into mature and post the dark side content there
3) Not share the dark side content at all.

Personally, I prefer option 2 because I like keeping all of my side-content in one organized place, and I also like option 3. But I might as well ask the readers on what they would prefer! If you have your own two cents on these upcoming changes, please let me know about them! Thank you so much!

And, uuuuum....random survey time:
What is your favorite bonding moment in RRFF and why? What is your least favorite bonding moment and why?
I maaaaaay be adding more bonding scenes in RRFF and may want to know what works and what doesn't work in the story before I write more.

Anyways, thank you so much for reading my update and for your continuous support of my fic ;0; And thank you for 5k views on Memory's Meme Hour!

As an extra thank you for your patience, feedback, answers, and support......




...HAVE A SNEAK PEAK OF CHAPTER 27. (Note: You may have to reread Chapter 26's ending for this sneak peak to make sense)


"Ah!" Galaxy jumped awake, golden eyes flaring. He tried to squirm, but he was immobilized by the machine that Memory made with his remaining redstone tools and pistons. "What's going on?!" He could only turn his head. Not like he had much to see. Only this island surrounded by lava, and the sky with stars that bloomed like flowers.

Memory brought himself closer to his uncle and tilted his head to an unsettling degree. "Remember me?"

Galaxy met Memory's gaze and froze. "Mem-Memory Steve?! But you were destroyed and – "

"That's irrelevant." Memory stepped back. "And for once in my life, I'm glad you remember." After all, that meant the illusion broke and he could return.

The entire dimension shook. The lava bubbled as if from a wrathful volcano. Then the lava sprouted up like geysers, white glowing rectangles launching out of them. Memory teleported underneath a nearby tree to dodge the raining lava. Galaxy clamped his mouth shut in muted terror, protected by the machine's cobblestone roof.

The glowing rectangles zapped around like distressed pixies until they eventually settled in the sky, surrounding the island. Each of them formed a red button with a white "x" on their top right corners. Text materialized inside of them. Some text was accompanied by a yellow folder while others were joined by different icons.

Memory remerged from the tree. He blinked the painful light out of his eyes as he tried to read each text, realizing that they identified each rectangle.

AppData Roaming .minecraft, and those familiar 12 folders.

Elan Minecraft recordings Steve Saga

Firefox, YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, Gmail

Memory almost fell into a trance, the faint image of a tower of panels playing in his mind.

"What's going on?!" Galaxy cried, snapping him back to the present.

Before making another move, Memory concentrated, making sure all gateways to the Memory Dimension were deactivated. To make sure that enemies and he couldn't enter.

"Sabre, where are you?" Memory looked cluelessly at each rectangle. "I need you to navigate us since this is all new to me."

A gigantic screen emerged from the lava and placed itself at the edge of the island. It displayed an image of a darkened dirt wall, with gray rectangles and white text in front of it.

"What must I do now?" Sabre's voice came from the screen.

Galaxy tried to face the screen. "Wait, Sabre?! Sabre, it's me! What happened to you?!"

Memory ignored him and studied the screen, wondering if what he was seeing was the account. "What the hell is this?"

"The Menu," the player answered.

The Menu? He remembered the small details Reality told him while he was recovering. He remembered him talking about entering a server. About a menu that served as a middle-world between the Steves' reality and Sabre's reality. This is all working as planned.

By enchanting the Disconnect button, he had merged this menu and Sabre's computer with the Memory Dimension, a realm accessed through enchanted passageways. So if he left this dimension using the Menu, would he return to the Overworld or would he...

"Leave this game, Sabre," Memory commanded.

He saw a small entity – a white cursor – glide across the screen and press a button. The screen switched to a blurry image of the Overworld. The gray, stony text "MINECRAFT" stood over the image, with a yellow subtext pulsating next to it. The cursor moved to a gray box labelled "Quit Game."

"FREEZE," Memory shouted, and the cursor stilled. He approached the screen and hovered his hand on the "Quit Game" button.

His heart suddenly felt tense. He knew Reality didn't click this button. What laid beyond after clicking this button was a complete mystery. A complex, bigger world, too grand for any Steve to comprehend.

Memory reminded himself to breath. "I'll only be there to erase the memories. Nothing more."

"LET GO OF MY FRIEND!" Galaxy roared back in his machine.

Memory shot a spiteful glare at him. "It's too late to beg for mercy!" He commanded a new screen to form in front of the machine. "Don't worry, I won't hurt him. But I'll let you watch what I'm about to do to your friend. Sabre, click the button."

Memory and the cursor clicked the button at the same time.

And his vision flashed white.


Word count: 723

(If that sneak peak was confusing, omg, please let me know so I can fix it.
I wrote this chapter, and honestly, I kinda don't know what's happening either.)

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