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Where the wall didn't break yet, and Eren, Mikasa, Armin, and (y/n) are best friends ofc.... but Armin was getting bullied and (y/n) goes to saw him

Armin's pov:

Mikasa is sick, and Eren and I are getting some food from the market. Eren's mom gave us a list and some money to pay for everything. (y/n) was with Mikasa helping her, while Eren's mother was cleaning around the house and doing other chores.

We bought almost everything from the list already, and just need some bread. Eren told me to wait for him. So here I am waiting all by myself near the stream of water, with a book. I started to read, since there was a line of people also wanting bread and I assumed it was going to take a while.

     I started reading the book I had with me, I bring it almost everywhere with me. The reason I love this book so much is because it's one of my favorite books. I had to leave the book about the outside world at home because grandpa said it was dangerous... but this is the book (y/n) bought for me last week.
     I have always wanted it, but it was too much for me to buy. But they went out if there way to get me it. I haven't had the chance the chance to read it, so I am doing it now.

      It has been 15 minutes and Eren still hasn't come back yet. I knew this was going to take a while for some bread. As I was going to turn the page, I felt a small rock hit my head. I looked up and my eyes widened.

Oh no.... why now. Not these guys. Mikasa is sick, Eren is busy at the market, and (y/n) isn't here either!!

     The three bullies that have messed with me all my life were walking up to me with there hands in their pockets, and a smile on their face. Not a friendly smile, but more of a 'oh I'm going to have fun messing with this kid' type of smile. I closed the book and put it behind my back.

I can't let them take the book. No not this one.

"Hey book nerd, havent seen you for three weeks. No one to protect you now huh??"

(y/n)'s pov:

     I have been taking care of Mikasa for 30 minutes already. She wasn't a total pain, and she didn't throw up, but she always tried to get up and help around the house.

"I'm fine (y/n), I am not sick."

"No Mikasa for the millionth time, just lie down and rest."

"But Ere-"

"I'm sure he is fine! It's just buying some food, nothing else."

"Okok, your right." She sighed and then held the scarf around her neck closer. She fell asleep in like a minute.

Wow that was quick. And yeah, why are Eren and Armin taking so long? They should be back by now.

"Hey (y/n)" said a soft calming voice by the door. I turned around to see Eren's mom at the doorway.

"Hmm?" I responded.

"Can you check on Eren and Armin please? I can look after Mikasa. You know how Eren gets, he might be causing some trouble." She laughed quietly.

~ The Sea ~ arminxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now