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Third Person pov:

"(y/nnnnnnnnnnnn)" Armin complained calling his girlfriend/boyfriend's name.

They were in y/n's room, everyone is having a break today since they were just going to experiment on Eren again. Levi told them to clean the house when they get back, but they just finished. Mikasa went along with him, well..... because of reasons and Levi couldn't stop her.

Jean and Christa (A/N: I know it's Historia, but this is the time where they don't know yet.) were cleaning the stables and feeding the horses. Sasha and Connie were cleaning downstairs. And finally, that leads to (y/n) and Armin leaving them with the upstairs. Armin laying down on their bed, while (y/n) was doing some paper work on their desk.

You see (y/n) wants to become a scout leader one day, and asked Captain Levi for some advice. With many pleads, he finally gave in and agreed to help them.

He said, "You need to survive this damn crisis of titans first. But fine, if your so desperate. I want you to make a report of every one in this team, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Christa, Jean, Connie, and Sasha. You have to know your team's weaknesses, strengths, and then write a small description of them. Nothing personal. This must be easy for you since you trained with them. Paper should be done in two weeks."

"yes darling, you alright?" They responded, almost done with the paper Levi assigned them.

Armin didn't respond, he just walked over to them, and hugged them from behind, nuzzling his face into their neck, with his arms wrapped around their waist.

"Hmdd atendkn" Armin whined with his face glued to their neck.

"Hmm? What was that?" They responded not keeping their eyes off the paper, revising it.

Armin turned their chair around so they were facing him. He put his hands on their shoulders. He kissed them around their face while saying,


Between every word he, kissed them somewhere on their face. Forehead, right cheek, left cheek, and then the nose.

(y/n) scrunched up their face whenever he kissed their nose. They smiled softly at him, then sighed.

"Alright alright, I can use a break. Cuddles then?" (y/n) asked, because they knew that Armin LOVED cuddling.

Armin nodded happily. They both went to thr bed and got comfortable. Armin's head nuzzled in their chest, and his arms around their waist. (y/n) has one hand playing with Armin's hair, while the other was rubbing his back.

(y/n) kissed the top of Armin's head, which made Armin look up. He had a soft and happy smile on him, but their was also a pint of sadness, that (y/n) noticed.

"Whats wrong?" (y/n) asked.

"Nothing's wrong." Armin replied. There was somthing bothering him in his mind, but he didnt want to seem weak in front of (y/n).

"I know you better than that Armin, I know when something is bothering you. I won't force you to tell me. Just that you can always talk to me alright? I will never judge you for it."

(y/n) didnt want to push Armin, because they knew that it might be uncomfortable.

Armin and (y/n) has been cuddling for ten minutes already. It was silent, but it was calming. They enjoyed each other's presence, holding each other.

The window was slightly open and it was starting to get cold. The wind knocked over the paper on the desk, but it was only strong enough to push the paper to the floor and nothing else.

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