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When Armin hugging (y/n) randomly also...


(y/n)'s pov:

I am very lucky to have a boyfriend like Armin. He is just the sweetest, and has the most weird but adorable traits.

Like almost instantly falling asleep whenever I'm around,

playing with my fingers almost all the time,

getting carried away in stories he tells,

tripping on air sometimes,

giving me hugs randomly throughout the day,

and so on,

Not that I'm complaining though...


I was currently at the library with Armin. We were looking for more interesting books to read.

I went to the other isle, leaving Armin just for a few minutes.

I found this really interesting title and as my hand was touching its spine I felt arms around my waist, and someones head on my shoulder.

"Hey bub, you alright?" I asked, knowing it was Armin.

"Yea, just got scared for a second because I couldn't find you." He muffled.

"I was only five isles away Armin." I laughed quietly.

"I know. I just wanted to hug you." He whispered while pecking my cheek.


I was feeding my horse a carrot, while everyone else was inside.

At least that's what I thought, until I felt Armin hug me from behind.

"Hi darling, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I just missed you." He smiled, as he let go of me so I can turn and face him as I gave my horse the lasts of the carrot.

"Awww I missed you too, but Armin... I literally saw you like 4 minutes ago inside." I laughed.

"I know, I just felt like seeing you again. Alright I gotta go before Captain Levi sees that I'm not cleaning!" He exclaimed as he kissed the top of my nose and ran inside, almost losing balance and tripping.

He's so adorable, and such a dork at the same time...


I was in my room, fixing my bed. That is until someone knocked on my door.

"Come in!"

Armin walked in looking sad. I stopped what I was doing and walked over to him.

"What happened darling?" I asked, while putting my arms around him. Resting my head near his shoulder. He put his arms around me too, and put his head on top of mines.

"My head hurts from thinking too much. I just needed to rest a bit, so I came to you to calm down." 

He kissed the top of my head, and we just stood there for about 10 minutes enjoying the hug. Then we just went to my bed and cuddled. 

Damm, I gotta fix my bed again...

It's fine, cuddling with Armin is worth it.

(A/N): Short one, but sweet


back to school again ig.

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