But I thought you don't like reading..

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Third Person pov:

Armin has been reading this new book and has been talking about it non-stop. You could tell he really liked it, and (y/n) would just listen and nod her/his head, but sometimes they don't understand what he talking about.

So therefore, (y/n) started reading the book too, so they can talk about it with Armin.

"(y/n)? Have you seen my book?" Armin asked in a worried voice. He has been looking all over for it but couldn't find it, but as he entered (y/n)'s room he calmed down a bit. He saw (y/n), holding the book, reading.

"Hmm? Oh do you need it?" (y/n) asked as she/he looked at the doorway where Armin stood.

"No it's fine, I just wanted to show you something from the page. But it looks like you're already reading it." He laughed as he made his way to lay down on the bed next to them.

He saw that (y/n) was already on the last chapter when he laid down next to them.

"You're already on the last chapter?! When did you start reading it?" Armin asked, since it was morning.

"I started reading it after dinner last night." They replied.

"So you didn't sleep?" Armin asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

"Nope." (y/n) said popping the 'p'. Then they continued reading again.

Armin sighed, as he wrapped his arms around (y/n)'s waist. "Can you read to me the last chapter?" He asked as he rested his head on top of their stomach.

(y/n) nodded their head, and began to read the last chapter to Armin. It wasn't that long, it was only 13 pages. After they finished the chapter, (y/n) closed the book and he/she started to get tired.

"Sooo what did you think?" Armin asked.

"Good storyline, it wasn't bad. But I cried when Anya died." (y/n) replied as she/he put the book down, and started to play with Armin's hair.

"Oh ya, that was unfortunate, who are your favorite characters?"

"Uhh I loved Leo and Anya. They were hilarious, and the perfect duo."

"I liked Seb, the one who created the plans."

"Ohh ya, Seb is after Leo and Anya for me." (y/n) yawned.

"Tired darling?"

"Pfft no," then (y/n) felt even more tired, "you know what, maybe I am."

Armin laughed, he adjusted himself so (y/n) could feel more comfortable. Now they were in a position where (y/n)'s was facing Armin's chest with her/his arms around him, and Armin had one are draped around (y/n) while the other was playing with their hair.

"Why?" Armin asked softly.

"Hmm?" (y/n) asked in a tired voice.

"Why did you stay up reading last night?" Armin asked, he knew that (y/n) wasn't the type to do that stuff.

"Because I wanted to." Armin could tell that this was a lie.

"But you don't even like reading." 

"But you really liked the book, and I read it so I can talk about it with you since you are always talking about it."

Armin's face turned a bit red from their response. As he was about to respond back he looked at (y/n) and realized she/he was already asleep.

He kissed their forehead, and eventually feel asleep too.

Sorry! I know this was short, but feel free to request anything!

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