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-Armin constantly hugging you from behind and kisses your cheek.

-Armin likes it when you play with his hair, but absolutely LOVESSSSSSS it when you braid it🤩🤩

-He is VERY passionate, when talking about the ocean.

-Sometimes he catches himself talking too much to you, and thinks he is annoying you, but you reassure him thats it ok and just keep telling him the story.

-If you get kidnapped, he will turn into full Sherlock Holmes mode, but better, until he finds you😩 and will probably find you in less than an hour😀. No one messes with his significant other

-When he is nervous while standing or sitting next to you, he will grab your hand and play with your fingers. AWWWWW I LOVE THIS SM😩😩😩

-Armin LOVESS cuddles.

-It dont matter what position you guys are in while cuddling, as long as you guys are holding each other.

-If he saw a really pretty flower or seashell he will show it to you, tell you how pretty/handsome you are, and then kiss your cheek.

-when he is jealous, he will be mad but also sad because he thinks your going to leave him for someone else, but you tell him that you will NEVER leave him.

-Him being a loyal boi👆

-He is actually a really good cook, and whenever you are in a bad mood he will cook your favorites.

- Armin mostly kisses you on the cheeck, nose, or forehead.

-He blushes ALOT, even if you guys are in a relationship.

-BOOK DATES!!!!! 📖 even if you don't read, he will just read to you either in your room, at the beach, or if its nice outside.

-you resting your head on Armin's lap as he reads to you.

-Armin ALWAYS being there for you 24/7.

-Him waiting for you anxiously after an expedition.

-Armin making sure that you are eating well and drinking water during the day

~ The Sea ~ arminxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now