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Armin's pov:

It was late at night, and I was going for a night walk. I couldn't sleep so I decided to go outside for a bit. Everyone is still sleeping, so I decided to go to the stables.

On my way there is heard someone talking and sniffing.

They sound... familiar

Who.. (Y/N)?!?!

"(y/n)? are you alright??"

I said quietly, as I saw them near a tree.

Were they... crying?

"Whats wrong (y/n)?" I asked as I made my way over to them. They didn't respond. They just kept there face buried in their knees, holding their legs.

I carefully wrapped an arm around them.

"It's alright you don't have to tell me. I'll stay with you here."

I felt (y/n) lean to my side.

"The stars are nice tonight." They softly said. There voice with a hint if sadness, but they were trying not to show it.

"Yea, the stars are beautiful tonight."

It was silent for a fee minutes then. One of my arms around (y/n)'s shoulders. His/Her head leaning on my shoulder, still holding their legs.

Maybe I should tell them tonight..

NO! Don't be stupid Armin, you can't tell them now! They are sad.

but.. ITS ALSO PERFECT!! What if I can make them feel better by confessing, AND we are alone under the night sky!! Its the perfect weather too.

NO! what if they reject you?!?! Hmmm?!!!

But what if they don- Oh god I'm talking to myself again... UGHHHHH WHY IS IT SO DIFFICULT TO CONFESS TO THE-

I was snapped out of the conversation in my head when I heard more sniffing.

"Hey, don't cry." I turned to face them. I placed both of my hands on their cheek and wiped their tears.

(y/n) was looking down still. I had a soft smile on my face.

"Wanna tell me what's wrong (y/n)?" I asked, lifting their head up a bit so they can look at me. We made eye contact...

They're amazing...

Oh god I'm probably a blushing mess right now

I'm glad it's night, so they can't see my red face.

We were still looking into each other's eyes, until (y/n) fully broke down into sobs. They hugged me, and buried their head in my chest, with their arms around me. I felt me shirt getting wet from her/his tears.

"I m-miss him. So much."

(y/n)'s older brother was in the Scouts, but he was killed during an expedition months ago, before we were assigned to Levi's Squad. I remember his/her older brother when we were younger... he was a really good man.

"We all do (y/n). It isn't your fault. I bet he is watching over you right now. Imagine how proud he is! Being assigned to the Levi Squad in a span of 4 months. Look how far you have come."

I didnt say anything else. I just comforted (y/n) in my arms, while they cried.

After a few minutes they calmed down, my shirt was still wet from their tears. (y/n) lifted their head awya from my chest and leaned their back against the tree. I did the same next to them.

"Thank you Armin." They stated, leaning their body to my side again. I wrapped an arm around their shoulders so it was more comfortable.

"Of course. It pains me to see you like this you know. It pains me to see the people I care about being sad."

"Well it's a cruel world, and we're just living in it aren't we?"  (y/n) laughed a bit lowly.

I didn't know what else to say, so I jusr nodded my head.

"This is nice." (y/n) said while yawning a bit.

"Yea it is."

"Thanks for comforting me Armin, and being there for me... like always."

"No problem, and thank you for making me happy, whenever you're around," I blurted out.

oh god what if that made them uncomfortable?!?!

Nice going Armin..

You just made things awkward!

What if they-

I was snapped out of my thoughts as I felt lips against my cheek.

Did- (y/n) just...


I was blushing madly, as I looked at them.

"Wha- what was that for?" I asked nervously.

"You were tense, and don't worry I like you too Armin."

"How! No I dont! Wha-" I started, but then I gave up knowing Eren probably said something.

"Was it Eren?" I asked.

"Yes and no. It was kind of obvious to me that you liked me, I didn't confirm it until I heard Eren and you talking about it. And Eren talked LOUDDDD" They laughed.

I smiled at them.

I should do this now...

"(y/n)? Would you like to be my girlfriend/boyfriend?" I asked confidently.

"Hmmm let me think about it.." They said, making it look like they were thinking.

"..I'm just kidding, I would love to be your girlfriend/ boyfriend Armin!"

I smiled widely, and was probably as red as a tomato right now.

I was going to kiss their forehead but stopped.

"Can I kiss your forehead?" I asked for consent.

(A/N):I KNOW THIS BOI WILL ASK FOR CONSENT FIRST😩😩 a boi that is a mixture of cute and hot, smart, don't cheat, AND LOOKS FOR CONSENT!! Someone get me an Armin..

(y/n) smiled and nodded their head in approval.

I kissed their forehead and the top of their nose too. They scrunched their face as I kissed them.

"You're so adorable when you do that." I blurted out... AGAIN

"We should probably head back inside dont you think?" (y/n) said while blushing, while laughin at what I said.

"Alright, let's go before anyone notices were missing, especially Captain Levi." I said while laughing with them.

~ The Sea ~ arminxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now