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Imagine waking up next to Armin, to see him already awake smiling at you, and kissing you on the cheek. Then says, "Morning love."



      Walking around the small town. Then suddenly you hear your name being called from behind you. And you see a the same adorable blonde boy that makes you smile, running towards you with a big book in hand. Once he reaches you he catches his breath from running and then when he looks at you his blue eyes sparkle with excitement and happiness.

"(y/n)! Look what my grandpa gave me! Its a book about thr outside world. I think it belonged to my parents, my favorite is the sea..."

And then he tells you more and more about the sea, and very passionate about it.



     Being woken up by Armin, to see that he was crying. You immediately, hug him and comfort him. He has his face in your chest crying, and you wrap your arms around him rubbing his back. When he calmed down after 10 minutes, his breathing was even again, and he moved his face from your chest, to the side of your neck.

"Bad dream again?" You asked softly, rubbing his back.

He just nodded in response.

You slowly leaned back, so you were laying down, with Armin on top of you. He moved his arms around your waist, while his face was still in your neck. You rubbed his back while he slowly fell asleep, and you doing the same.



      Armin hugging you from behind, with his arms around your waist. His chin on your shoulders. You turn around and hug him back, and face him. He smiles softly, and scrunches his face as you kissed his nose, while blushing.



     Laying your back against the tree, and Armin's back is laying against your chest, while he is in between your legs reading a book. You play with his hair as he is reading, then he spoke,



"Uhh..can you braid my hair?" he asked shyly.

You were going to respond but he interrupted.

"BUT ONLY IF YOU WANT TO." He exclaimed nervously.

You laughed a bit and replied,

"Of course I will love."

Then you braided his hair since it was long enough to do. You did regular braids and did multiple small ones on his hair. As you were braiding his hair, he aas blushing alot.

It was adorable, and he kept it on for the rest of the day, and he asks you at least once or twice a week to do it again, when you guys are just resting.



      Armin being jealous, because as you guys were walking side by side, a someon came up to you and started a conversation. Making compliments about you here and there, without even looking at Armin.

      Armin wrapped his arms around yours. And you knew what this meant, you dismissed yourself from the conversation from the person and left with Armin.

"They were flirting with you." Armin said mad, but also kind of sad when you guys were inside now.

You kissed Armin on the lips, and connected your foreheads together, closing your eyes.

"Don't worry love, I will never leave you, for someone else. Cuddles??"

He smiled and then nodded his head, then you guys spent the rest of the day cuddling.

~ The Sea ~ arminxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now