Don't you trust me?

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Third Peron pov:

"(y/n)! We're going to get caught!" A 7-year old  Armin whispered yelled as him and (y/n) snuck out at night. Kids weren't allowed to be playing around late at night, but (y/n) wanted to go somewhere and show Armin.

"Shhh! We might if you keep being so loud! We're almost there!" She whispered back.

They were headed towards a tree. That same tree they always hang out there with Mikasa and Eren.

"(y/n), I don't think this is a good idea, I mean what if they tell my grandpa and your parents! Then we'll be in a lot of trouble and what if-" Armin rambled worrying, but was cut off by (y/n) placing his/her hands on his.

"It's fine, don't you trust me?"

Armin sighed. "Yes, of course I trust you."

"Good, because we'll be just fine! Come on were almost there!"

As they reached their spot, (y/n) sat down and so did Armin. 

"So what did you want to show me so late at night?" Armin asked as he relaxed a bit.

"Look at the stars." (y/n) beamed as she/he looked up in awe.

"But couldn't we look at this in our own house?"

"But it's not the same as looking up at it when there are buildings covering up the big sky."

"Hmm I guess your right."

"Wait- woahhhhhhh what's that?!" (y/n) asked excitedly as she/he saw a shooting star. They have never seen one in their life till now.

"woahh I think that's a shooting star!" Armin awed.

The two kids were amazed.

"Quick make a wish!" Armin whispered as he closed his eyes.

"Ok I wis-"

"No! You can't tell anyone or it won't come true! You have to say it in your head."

"Oh ok."

Both of them closed their eyes and made a wish, hoping it would come true in the future.

"(y/n)! You can't go back!" Armin protested as he grabbed her/his arm. The titans broke the wall, and (y/n)'s house was near the wall. They both knew deep down inside that (y/n)'s house got crushed, but she/he didn't want to believe that.

"No! Armin I have to go back! M-my parents!" She/He sobbed.

"(y/n)... if you go there you will die! I don't want you to die!" 

"But I can't just leave them!"

"Don't you trust me?!" Armin cried.

(y/n) looked him in the eyes. Both of them in tears, (y/n) knew her parents were as good as dead already because they told her/him that they were going to take their morning walk. Which was near the walls.

"I do trust you Armin." She/He sobbed. With much strength, they pushed the urge to run to their parents, but they knew they were dead.

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