Catching up with the ✨Levi Squad✨3

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"Captain? Where are you going?" Armin asked as he saw Levi heading out the door with a bag and hat.

Everyone was either in the kitchen or resting on the couch. There attention turned to Levi.

"I'm going to be out today. Hange said that they wanted to take care of you guys. So we are switching leaders for the day. Have fun, and DONT make a mess."

With that he slammed the door and left.

"Aww man." Conmie whined as (y/n) beat him in chess.

"Ha! I won again! You owe me 10 coins now."

"Fine, fine."

"HELLO!" Hange yelled as they swung open the door.

"AHHH!" The others yelled in surprise.

"You see Hange and this is how you pull a prank." Connie said as they hid behind a tree.

"Now we wait." Connie laughed lowly.

"Someone's coming!" Hange whispered at him.

It was Sasha. She was eating some bread until she opened the door and the bucket of water fell on top of her.

"Haha yes!" Connie exclaimed as he high-fived Hange.

"Wait, she's crying."


Then they heard Sasha yelling. "MY BREAD!!! CONNIE I KNOW IT WAS YOU, YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!"

"Interesting." Hange said, watching in amusement as Sasha was chasing Connie angrily.

Connie was apologizing while running for his life.

"Happens everytime Connie pranks her and he messes up her food." (y/n) suddenly said from besides Hange.

"Where did you- AHHHHHHH CAN I TOUCH IT?!?!" Hange exclaimed happily as she saw the creature next to (y/n).

"Hey Armin have you seen-" (y/n) started as she/he went inside Armin's room but quieted down a bit when she saw her pet with Armin.

The dog resting on Armin's lap as there was a book on Armin's hand, but they were both asleep.

"Oh hehe nevermind." They said as they put a blanket over them and grabbed the book frim Armin's hand and put it on his desk.

"Now Connie, Sasha, watch and learn." Hange said as she cracked her knuckles and they hid behind a huge bush.

"I don't understand where is the trap!" Connie whispered.

"Just wait, ok go Sasha." Hange whispered back.

Sasha nodded her head as she called Jean over.

"How did you tame it???" Hange asked (y/n) as they had their notes out.

"I don't know." (y/n) answered honestly with their head on the table.

"But then how did it-"

"I don't know."

"Then why does it-"

"I don't know."

"What do you want Sasha?" Jean asked.

~ The Sea ~ arminxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now