Levi's Younger Sibling

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Third Person POV:

(y/n) wasn't related to Levi. They weren't siblings by blood, but he thinks of them as his younger sibling.

In the underground, when Levi (age: 17) found Isabel Magnolia (16) she was holding a baby (1). His first thought of them was "How the fuck are you supposed to survive down here with a damn baby?"

But eventually him and Isabel became best friends. He found out that the child was her sibling, (y/n). He didn't really like them for the first few weeks, but grew fond of them. When Farlan came he loved and adored (y/n).

For the past few years with each other they would take turns taking care of (y/n). They would alternate on two people to get supplies, while one stays behind with (y/n).

Isabel and Farlan never complained when they had to stay behind, but Levi did. It was a literal child and he didn't know what to do with it.

But as the child grew older he taught them a few tricks. At the age of 5, (y/n) could do cool flips and was energetic like Isabel. And Levi taught them useful skills for self defense and stealth. Farlan would scold the both of them for being reckless around (y/n).

Once Levi handed (y/n) a knife thinking it was normal because that's what Kenny did to him. Poor Farlan was panicking about everyone's safety. Levi was very overprotective when it came to the three of them.

The three of them taught (y/n) how to defend themselves and steal at a VERY young age, but of course they had lots of fun.

Until one day when the Survey Corps caught them. They were forced to join the Survey Corps.

The cadets caught the three that they didn't even notice (y/n) was there because she was so short. They were originally in Isabel's arms but she put them down as she heard the soldiers.

Now they were hiding behind Levi. As Farlan and Isabel were arguing with the soldiers, Levi turned to (y/n). He patted their head and whispered,

"Hide behind the building and run back to the hideout. We will find you, I promise."

(y/n) shook their head crying, not wanting to be alone.

The soldiers heard crying and noticed (y/n). They thought Levi was hurting the child so they forced them away harshly. One of the men were about to grab (y/n) but before they could. Isabel and Farlan were in front of (y/n) protectively.

"Leave the kid alone. They were just passing by!" Farlan stated. He didn't want to say that they had any relations to (y/n) or else they would take them away too.

As Farlan was talking with the men, Isabel kneeled down and had both of her hands on (y/n)'s face. She kissed their forehead, nose, and two cheeks before smiling.

She ripped out a piece of her clothing as she used it to wipe (y/n)'s tears. She whispered softly to them so the others won't hear,

"I love you so much (y/n). And I promise I'll come back. We all will. Just keep this in case you get lonely." There were tears threatening to spill from Isabel's eyes but she was smiling for (y/n).

~ The Sea ~ arminxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now