What is that thing? 🦀

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(y/n)'s pov:

Everyone was hanging out at the beach like usual. It has been two weeks since we discovered it. There were alot of stuff we didn't know about it yet.

Armin was the happiest amongst all of us.

Mikasa was also happy.

Connie, Sasha, and Jean were more energetic.

Hange loved exploring new stuff, and Levi just sat back and watched

And Eren.. I think he is happy. Sometimes he is.. and then he gets all quiet and starts talking to himself or someting.

"Come on (y/n)! Let's build a big mountain with the uhhh.. what's it called again Armin?" Sasha asked as she made her way to us.

"It's called sand Sasha."

"Sand... sand.. okok. Come on (y/n)! Armin! Let's build a big like mountain thingy out of this sand." She said again while dragging me by the arm.

"Okok, I'm coming." I sighed with Armin trailing along behind me.

"Connie! Get over here!!" Sasha yelled as she let go of my arm.

Connie came running along with Jean.

"What?!" Connie yelled back.

"We're going to make a big mountain, out of this sand!" Sasha exclaimed happily.

"YEAAAAA, how come I never thought of that!?!"

"because I'm the smart one obviously."

Now that started them to bicker back and forth. I looked at Armin who was sitting down next to me on the sand, but all he did was shrug. I looked around the beach and saw Hange collecting rocks and seashells, and Levi just.. watching everyone. I saw Mikasa and Eren coming.

"Mikasa! Eren! Come over here!" I yelled at them while waving my hand.

They came over, and sat down with Armin and I.

Armin started playing with my fingers again, while we all watched Sasha and Connie fight and yell at each other.

"AHHH WHAT IS THAT!!" Jean yelled out of nowhere, while running closer to our tents.

"Huh?" Connie and Sasha said at the same time. When they looked to where Jean was originally standing and at the ground.

They laughed.

"Jean, was scared of this little red creature thing?!?" Connie laughed.

Me, Arming, Mikasa, and Eren stood up to get a better look at what Connie and Sasha were looking at.

~ The Sea ~ arminxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now