Rain 🌧

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Third Person Pov:


Armin has been looking for (y/n) for the past 10 minutes already.

They said that they were going to get some food, but then never came back.

"Mikasa have you seen (y/n)?"

"Nope, sorry Armin."

"Well maybe they're inside somewhere." Historia chimed in.

"How about outside?"

"Well its raining right now s-"

"They're outside."

Armin knew how much they adored the rain. After all he is their boyfriend and long life childhood friend. So he would know.

And to his hunch that would be 99.9% right... was correct.

There was (y/n) laying there on the grass in a starfish position with their eyes closed a few feet away from the door.

"(y/n)? Why are yo-" Armin started but got cut off.



"SHHHHHHHHH. you are interrupting my fun."

"Ok then, I'll just leav-"


"I thought you told me to 'SHHHHHH' remember?"

He raised an eyebrow staying dry near the doorstep. (y/n) sat up and looked at their boyfriend.

"Yea but I like your company. Been a long time since I saw you."

"(y/n) you literally saw me about 10 minutes ago~"

"10 minutes?! MORE LIKE 10 DAYS... wait no MORE LIKE 10 YEARS!"

Armin laughed a bit and sat next to (y/n) in the rain and wet grass.

"You're always so dramatic." He rolled his eyes sarcastically.

"Dramatic my ass! Remember that time when you saw a cockroach and started screaming like a little girl, then ended up crying afterwards."

"HEY! That was one time. It was a really huge one too!"

They both started laughing again. Soon their laughter died down and (y/n) laid her/his head on Armin's lap as he was sitting up.

"This is actually very relaxing." Armin said as he looked up and closed his eyes, letting the droplets of water fall on his face.

He brought his hand to (y/n)'s hair, stroking it. Even though their hair was soaking wet.

After a few minutes of silence Armin spoke up.

"Come on let's go inside."

"but its only been like 10 minutes!"

"You'll catch a cold and you know how whiny you are when you're sick."


Armin looked at his s/o's face. They were practically begging.

He sighed deeply.

"Fine. FIVE more minutes."


(y/n) sat up and kissed Armin's cheek. Without wnytime to react he/she stood up and gestured their hand in front of their boyfriend. Helping him stand up.

"Where are we going?" The blonde boy asked.

"Nowhere smartass. Just stand up."

Armin took (y/n)'s hand and as he did (y/n) took both of his hands in theirs. Then started moving both of them from side to side. Armin copied their movements snd then they both started moving their feet too.

Their was a big smile on (y/n)'s face as they started dancing with their boyfriend. And seeing his/her face Armin smiled too.

They were moving even faster and jumping up and down going around in the wet grassy field. They were both laughing enjoying their time.

There was a puddle that they encountered but didnt see. (y/n) slipped on the puddle and lost their balance.

Causing them to fall backwards, but luckily Armin caught them. With one hand holdinf theirs and the other arm around their waist.

They stared at each other and then laughed even more, not moving from their current position.

As their laughter got quieter, not moving from their current position, they were both thinking the same thing.

This is perfect.

They both had small smiles on their faces as they were looking at each other. Slowly Armin helped her/him stand up straight again, not breaking eye contact.

With one of their hands still intertwined, (y/n) twirled Armin while standing on their tip toes. Armin had to crouch a bit because he was taller than them.

"Isn't the shorter one supposed to be the one that gets twirled." Armin stated as he faced (y/n) again.

"Nope im pretty sure the pretty boy is the one who is supposed to be twirled."

Armin's face was red now even though jt had been red the whole time.. it got more noticeable.

"Awww you're face is so cute when it's red." (y/n) complimented as he/she places both hands on his face then gave him a loving kiss.

"Love you Armin."

"Mhmm I love me too."

(y/n) playfully hit his shoulder.

"Im joking," He laughed, "Love you too (y/n)."

Then he kissed the top of her/his forehead.

The moment for the both of them was absolutely perfect.

"ARLERT! (L/N)! GET YOUR ASS BACK INSIDE!" Levi scolded from the inside.

and now that moment was ruined.

Ok bye.

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