Emotionless pt.3

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Armin's pov:

"Oh she's not dead. She left me." (y/n) responded unexpectedly

"Oh, well at least she isn't dead. I'm sure you'll find her one day (y/n)." Jean tried to make the situation more happy.

We continued walking and talking with each other, but (y/n) stayed silent the entire time. She/He only spoke when someone asked them questions.

I spotted a flag and some logs that we can sit on.

This must be our first stop.

"I'll set out the first flare gun." I said, as I took it out and set a green flare gun. We looked up and saw two others in the distance.

"Hmm, looks like everyone stopped at the same time." Sasha said while eating some of the rations already.

"Yea, oh wait. There is a card over here." Connie said as he sat down on a log, and the others did the same.

"What does the card say?" Eren asked Connie.

"Uhhh, it's questions for us, to get to know each other better I guess."

"What's the question?" Jean asked.

"There are three questions, the first one is 'When were you born?' Ok, that's an easy one. I'll go first. I was born on May 2nd." Connie said.

"I was born on July 26th. Bread anyone?" Sasha asked.

"I'm good, uhh I was born on April 7th." Jean said next.

"March 30th." Eren said next.

Then after that Mikasa, "January 10th."

Then it was down to me and (y/n).

"I was born on November 3rd, and can I have some bread Sasha?" I asked her.

We all turned to (y/n) who was silent. 

"How about you (y/n)? I know you didn't have a favorite color before, but this question should be with ease." Connie laughed.

"My birthday?" (y/n) said quietly, that only I heard them, since I was sitting next to them.

"Yea birthday, like when you were born.." I told them.

Does she/he not know their own birthday?

"I do not know when I was born." (y/n) responeded.

"HAHAHA nice joke (y/n)." Connie laughed, but he quieted down when we all gave him a glare.

"Wait... so you're not lying about this, are you?" Sasha asked curiously.

"I cannot lie. Never had or have to." They responded.

We all looked at her/he questionably.

"Uhhh how about the next question yea?" Eren asked, switching the topic.

"What is your idea of fun?"

Everyone else answered the questioned, but when we got to (y/n) they just said they don't know what fun is and never had fun. 

"You have never lied!?! Or have fun!?! MY POOR CHILD!! You know what screw these cards, I will teach you." Sasha exclaimed as she slapped the cards from Connie's hands. She went over to (y/n) and I, the sat next to them.

"Uhhh Sasha I don't think this will wo-" Jean started, but Sasha shushed him.

"Shhh. Ok (y/n) I will tell you what fun is. Fun is something where you enjoy an activity, either with uhh friends or family or if it's just you! For an example, fun for me is eating all I want without having to pay. Or maybe just hanging out with your friends yea?"

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