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Requested by iconross21
JealousArmin x Reader

Third Person POV:

(y/n) and Armin have known each other their whole lives. During that time the two of them caught feelings for each other, but didn't have the guts to say anything.

Every now and then Armin would get jealous because he thinks that (y/n) is going to find another person and leave him.

When Armin gets jealous, it depends on the situation of how he will act.


It was dinner and everyone was eating. (y/n) usually sat next to Armin, but this time they sat next to Mikasa

"Mikasa don't worry about it! You're still strong! Even if Annie beat you. Like seriously you need to teach me some shit, give me some of your muscles and abs."

"(y/n). Stop talking and eat." Mikasa replied.

"Can I touch your muscles?"

"Later, just eat."

"Can I touch your abs?"

Mikasa didn't rven respond. She just shoved the bread in (y/n)'s mouth to make then shut up. (A/N: Like what Mikasa did to Sasha that one time)

 (A/N: Like what Mikasa did to Sasha that one time)

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Armin's POV:

Why isn't (y/n) sitting next to me today?

Is it because I'm weak? I would understand that. I don't have much muscles and abs like Mikasa.

It's fine though, it's just Mikasa. We've all been friends for years...

...but why so I feel a pain in my chest? Like betrayal?


"Come on, let's go. Captain Levi gave us a free day today and I found this really cool book under the floor boards!" (y/n) said as they dragged Armin along.

"Isn't that kinda... sketchy?"

"Isn't your book about the outside world beyond the walls sketchy?"

"Ok I see your point."

As Armin and (y/n) were about to enter the library. Jean was shown into view.

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