Not leaving you

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(y/n)'s pov:

After Mikasa's little 'speech' we were all killing titans. I was sad and mad that the titans got Eren. I killed the titans that were in my way, and the others followed.

Suddenly I had no more gas left on my
ODM gear.


I landed on a roof, and there was a titan coming close to me. It was about to reach me, but the most unexpected thing happened. Another titan with green eyes and black hair, attacked the one that was going to eat me.

What the-

"(y/n)!! Are you alright?!" I heard Armin yell, as he Connie and Mikasa made there way over to me.

"I'm fine, but I think that titan just saved me."

"That titain saved me too." Mikasa exclaimed.

Why does it look like E-

"We have to head to headquarters!" Connie yelled.

"I'm out of gas. Go without me, I'll figure something out."

"No! We are not going to leave you here! Armin exclaimed.

"If we all stay here we will die!" I tried to reason.

"(y/n), take my gas tanks.I have enough to make it there."

"No Armin, you're going with them."

"(y/n)! I DONT WANT YOU TO DIE HERE!" Armin yelled.

We were kind of shocked because Armin never yelled.

He broke down on his knees and started talking again, trying not to cry. I kneeled down next to him and comforted him.

"I'm the reason Eren died. It should have been me. I was too scared of what happened, and couldn't move. I don't want to lose another person I care about, knowing I could have done something. (y/n) take my gear and just leave me here. I'm useless here."

"No, Armin. I'm not leaving you here. And you're not useless. You're smart and care about others."

Armin then looked at me and smiled. Then he looked at the titan that saved me, and his eyes lit up.

I know that look in his eyes.

"Whats your plan Armin?" I asked with a smirk as we stood up.

"Well, we can use that titan." He pointed at the titan with green eyes.

"That's insane!" Connie yelled. "What makes you think we can use that tian to save us?!"

"Well it saved me and Mikasa."

Armin nodded, "We could get its attention, and lead it to the other titans surrounding headquarters. It seems to have no interest in us."

Connie sighed, "fine, seems like a good plan. If we die then we die. If we make it, then we'll at least look cool with having a titan ally."

I suddenly had an idea.

Im so stupid why didnt I think of this before.

"Armin give me your ODM gear." He gave it to me and I put it on.

"You're not leaving me are you?" He asked, catching on my plan.

"Nope, never plan to. LETS GO." I yelled, as I picked up Armin bride style. We went off, but we told Mikasa to just head straight to headquarters since she only has that much to get her there.

Connie and I got the attention of the titan, and it followed us to headquarters.

I swear the green-eyed titan looks like Eren.

Armin's pov:

(y/n) carried me bridal style on the ODM gear. I was blushing, but I'm glad that they didn't notice.

not the time Armin! We are in the middle of something serious!

"I'm sorry." I told (y/n) as they carried me.


"For being the dead weight... literally. You guys could have just left me there so it's easier for you to move around in the ODM gear."

"Armin never in my LIFE, will I ever leave you behind. And I know you would do the same for me, Mikasa, and the others. Your not a dead weight. It was your genius plan to bring that titan towards headquarters, and so far its working. Dont ever say your useless alright? Because you are nothing of that." They smiled.

I promise (y/n) I will never leave you either.

~ The Sea ~ arminxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now