Night Sky

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(y/n)'s pov:

This week we have to do some survival skills. Instructor Keith told us to survive in the forest for five days. We go in groups and have tents, water, food, sleeping bags, and all that. He only gave us a few bread, but for the rest we have to hunt like birds or fish, something like that.

My group is Mikasa, Eren, Armin, Sasha, and Connie. It's a good group, but we have to keep the food away from Sasha.

Day 1:

Mikasa and Eren were out to get some firewood for the night. Armin and I were putting up the tents. Connie and Sasha were setting up the sleeping bags, and making sure the leaves, sharp rocks, and sticks are out of the way.

"You think we did this right (y/n)?" Armin asked me as the last of the tent was finished.

"Yea, I think we did a pretty good job." I sighed as a sat down, tired. Armin sat next to me and layed his head on my shoulder.

"Tired already?" I laughed.

"No, just... yea, you're right. A bit tired." He laughed along, while placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Hey guys we're back." Eren announced as he and Mikasa has some firewood. Mikasa was carying ALOT more than Eren.

"Do you need help with that Mik-" Connie started, but was interrupted.

"No, leave it to me."

We all finished setting up our little 'camp'.

"We have to move up north in the morning." Armin stated as we all started eating some bread.

"I agree, Keith is only giving us 5 days to reach the cabins on the mountians."Eren added.

"Who has the flare guns again?" Sasha asked.

We all looked at her with wide eyes.

"What?" She muffled with a potato inside her mouth.

"Sasha... you were in charge of holding the flare guns." Connie told her.

"I was? OH RIGHT! Haha... I forgot oops." Sasha laughed nervously.

"YOU FORGOT THE FLARE GUNS!?!" Connie yelled at her shaking her shoulders.


"It's fine. I got the flare guns because I had a feeling Sasha will forget them." Mikasa reassured.

Everyone took a sigh of relief.

We had the flare guns because at night we have to put a green one up every night if everyone is well. We have the red one of emergencies and the other groups will maybe find it and help out.

"Oh look I see someone's flare gun in the distance." Eren said looking at the sky.

"Let's put ours up then." Mikasa took the flare gun from her bag and blast it up and we saw others do the same.

"Ok let's get some sleep. Mikasa can you put out the fire?" Armin asked.


The sleeping bags were set up in a circle. The order with Mikasa, Eren, Armin, me, Connie, and Sasha.

"AHHH Connie! Did you put leaves in my sleeping bag!" Sasha squealed.

"HAHAHA it was worth it." Connie laughed as he got inside his sleepng bag.

Not even a second later, "AHHH Sasha! Did you put bugs in my sleeping bag!" Connie exclaimed while getting out.

"HAHAHA, that was also worth it!"

~ The Sea ~ arminxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now