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Armin's Pov:

"Alright Armin you got this!" Eren encouraged me as he patted me on the back. Connie and Jean to my other side also supporting me.

"Once you start walking up to her/him we are gonna go the other direction. So we WON'T be there!" Jean whispered.

He's lying. I can tell, but I'm not worried about it.

"Yea, just like we practiced!" Connie added.

Yeaaa our 'practice' was absolutely NO help at all..

well.. it's the thought that counts for them helping me I guess...?

~a few weeks ago..~

"Ok now pretend Connie is (y/n)." Eren told me.

"Wait, wait... why am I (y/n)?" Connie asked.

"Because! We chose it that way."

"Since when!?"

"Since now!"

"Ok create small talk with them." Jean said as he gestured to Connie who is playing as (y/n).

I nodded my head, "Hi." I waved.

To be honest... it was difficult taking Connie as (y/n) and the other two watching me.

"Why hello Armin." Connie exaggerated while changing his voice and flipping his head around like he was imagining hair on his head.

"CUT!" Eren interrupted, "(y- I mean, Connie... WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT"

"What was what?"

"That voice!"

"Ohh, it was my (y/n) impression. Like it?"

"Just speak in your regular voice."

"But you're the one who made ME play (y/n)! You either accept this or I'm quitting."

Then they started arguing and Jean started laughing and somehow was brought into the argument too.

Well this isn't working...

~present time~

Those weren't even the worse parts. They tried getting Mikasa, but she declined. I don't blame her though.

"Oh, there she/he is!" Connie gasped and be pointed to a spot near a bench.

There was (y/n), they always go here in the afternoon, mostly after lunch. Where the river is with the bench and the big tree nearby. (WOAH THERE ARMIN HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT👀)

"Ok now go!" Eren said as he pushed me.

I yelped a bit from the impact as I stumbled forward.

"You alright Armin?" I heard (y/n) say.

I looked at them and turned red. I looked behind me and saw that Jean, Connie, and Eren were gone.

"Uhh yea, I'm fine. Just came here for a walk. Mind if I stay?"

"I don't mind."

~ The Sea ~ arminxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now