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Armin's pov:

I was laying my back against the tree, reading a book while (y/n) was laying on my lap. It was so... peaceful

They were sleeping while I was stroking their hair. I went back to my book as I was reading a couple more pages.

When I looked bsck down at (y/n) there was blood.


I was panicking.

"(Y/N)! Wha-"

The scenery changed. Instead of the field of grass with the big tree... we were near a broken buildings and houses.

This.. not real.

But it seemed so real.

"Armin?" (y/n) choked out as she spat some blood.

I was crying. sobbing. This is not real.. it can't be.


"Yea?" I replied, my voice shaking.

"It's not your fault." they said before the light in their eyes faded away.

This was my fault?

"No.. don't leave me."

"ARMIN!" I heard someone calling my name.

I turned around and saw Connie, Mikasa, and Sasha coming towards me.

"Armin.. what did you do?" Connie stuttered as he saw us.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Armin your blade is sliced right through (y/n)'s stomach." Mikasa gasped.

Mikasa and Connie stared at me eyes-wide. I looked down at my arms. My hand was holding onto one of my blades which is stuck in (y/n)'s stomach. The other hand is behind her neck.

I quickly stood up snd backed away from their body. Connie and Mikass rushed to their side. Soon enough Eren, Jean, Sasha, and captain Levi came.

"I- What?! I didn't!" I protested, tears starting to fill my eyes.

What the hell is going on?!

"Armin... I know you and (y/n) were fighting the other night but, I didnt think you would take it this far." Eren said.

"What?! I would never. This is all a misunderstanding. I didn't mean to."

"It's your fault Armin." Eren told me as he made his way towards (y/n)'s body.

"It's your fault." Mikasa chanted.

Soon enough everyone else was joining in.

"You're the reason they died!"

"(y/n) died because of Armin!"

"They didn't deserve this."

~ The Sea ~ arminxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now