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Italics = memories from the past

Bold = Armin's thoughts

Normal = Present time, happening right now

Armin's pov:

     I was laying down on the grass, with my back against the tree. It was raining today, but I didn't care. Today was an important day for (y/n).

     I smiled, as I reached for the necklace in my pocket. I am going to give this to (y/n) for their birthday. I am waiting for the others because they are getting ready.

I started to think about all of the happy and fun times I had with (y/n).

Remember when we were little, and you always came to me so I can tell you more and more stories...

"ARMIN!!!" (y/n) screamed for the blonde boy, as they ran towards him.


"Can you continue to tell me about thag story from yesterday pleaseeeee"

"The one about the savior?"

"Mhmm!! That one!" They exclaimed cheerfully, and sat down next to Armin, waiting for him to tell the story.

"Ok so..."

You always loved the story with the savior, even if you already knew the story you asked me to tell you it again.
Remember when I was sick and you never left my side...

"(y/n), you cant be in my room! You might get sick!"

"It's fine, I'm going to help you. Here! How about I read you your favorite book"

"(y/n) I don't want you to get si-"

"If I get sick then, I get it sick and we'll both be sick! Its fine Armin. Im not gonna leave."

(y/n) took a chair and places it near Armin's bed. They got a book and started reading to Armin. They never left his side, but only to get him food and water.

"Your so stubborn sometimes you know?"

"I know, but you still love me." They smiled.

"That I do." Armin stated proudly.

And then you got sick the next week, but told me it was worth it because you got to take care of me. Remember the first time when you used my lap as a pillow...

"(y/n) wh- what are you doing?" Armin asked flustered as (y/n) layed down and placed their head on his lap while he was in the middle of reading.

~ The Sea ~ arminxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now